Friday, September 10, 2021

States are Standing up to the Feds

 Joe Biden is complete trash. His administration is a joke. He's the punchline on the end of the evil empire, probably by design.

Several governors are at least pretending to stand up to Biden's feckless "mandate" to coerce people to get the vaccination. The cocksucker is, as predicted many months ago, attempting to use corporate america to strong-arm employees to take the injections--whatever the fuck they are. The feds don't have any authority to mandate vaccines so joe is using OSHA regulations to try to accomplish the same thing... his people have admitted it in public, so it's probably not even going to happen.

So that's that. Well probably not.

Remember the fake WTC bombing in Bubba Bill's presidency? I think that was like 1993 or 96 or something. Some CIA actors "muslim terrorists" from central casting rolled a van filled with explosives into the basement of the WTC to try to bring it down. That was probably a dress rehearsal for 2001.

Anyway, why keep analyzing this shit?

The US is infected with Empire virus. Satan Incorporated was installed around 1947 and has been growing since then. All the most evil bullshit that the US has done since then is their handiwork. They lie. They're murderers. They push drugs. They feast on human degeneracy and weakness.

If we don't oust those people, they'll keep on killing people around the world, and now here at home. 

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