Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Fake Left and Fake Right

Is there really a "right" and "left" in the USA? I don't think so. The "right" is really just normal people who don't particularly like a heavy handed intrusive government as far as I can tell. The "left" seems to be women, gays, and some jews, and an amalgamation of rando minorities. The political representation of both groups doesn't seem to be particularly connected to the "people" in any substantial way--they're just political scumbags that get paid by corporations or banks or whatever.

None of the ideas of "the left" or "the right" build a house or put food in anyone's mouth. It's all just bullshit. The corporations that espouse "leftist" rhetoric engage in hard core business practices and kowtow to China all the time. They wave rainbow flags and talk about green this or that, then use hyper-polluting manufacturers in Asia to avoid regulation. There are places in India where the sky is ash gray and the water foams with sewage and industrial waste.

The group-think mindset is going to be the death of billions of people.

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