Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Anthrax Attack Redux

After 911 someone mailed anthrax to some congressmen and senators. It was probably some agency of the federal government that was probably also involved in 911... They blamed some poor scientist for the anthrax and suicided him before it ever went to trial.

Frankly who knows how all that stuff is structured? It's apparent the government has a dangerous fifth column group high up near the top of the shitty power pyramid who constantly acts contrary to the interests of the people of the US. But who is it? I don't know.

A few days ago, Billy Gates was yammering about smallpox terrorist attacks, then boom--some "vials" are missing or some bullshit. Who even knows. It's all lies.

Anyway, if there's a smallpox outbreak, it's open season on all these assholes involved in all this bullshit. They're trying to kill you and me and everyone else we love. That'll be all the confirmation that's required to act with natural justice on the side of the people.

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