Wednesday, December 1, 2021

My "New World Order"


I'm really loving my own New World Order plan, because it shows how absurd the corporate communist bureaucrat hacks are.

The average white liberal in the US really pines to live in a "european" socialist utopia of their mind, however, deep down they know it's a fraud that can't work and requires force and slavery to even pretend to exist. It's very easy to call them on their many bluffs and stupid ideas, like "green" energy. Given the chance to go live and build their utopia in Euro-land, they would not do it, because they're lazy and too stupid to realize their plans.

They should be given every opportunity to do it though. They could leave all the racist-bigot-homophobe evil whiteness people in the US and go live with their ideologically pure counterparts in Europe and manifest thei super-bureaucracy technocrat system with its pure green energy, city sky-scraper "vertical farms" and bug paste and concrete tube life. They could be controlled by their smart-phone apps, drive all electric-green-energy cars. That sales pitch theoretically appeals to some people--who? Nobody.

The appeal of corporate communism is a lazy, useless white liberal retard with a useless degree in some useless field can parasite off the rest of humanity as a commie apparatchik while they spout some useless drivel as an occupation.

Communists excel at mass death because their stupid plans can't work. I think many of the commies earnestly believe in their own bullshit, though. Perhaps the core of the political structure of communist movements is cynical and realizes their rhetoric is meaningless garbage, but they might be true believers too.

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