Friday, December 10, 2021

Amish Show It's Possible

The Amish live in a parallel social and economic universe. It's really no big deal for them to do it. They are able to ignore and bypass or edit various government regulations and decrees, too. Their educational system is different, for example.

For some bizarre reason, the rest of the country gets locked into massive battles of control of the culture and the political system. When one group "wins" it inevitably tries to lord over the other(s). Why?

Currently the "left" holds political power in the US. They're lording over everyone else. Their stupid policies and weird social agenda are utopian, for them, but seem to be poison for everyone else. Why don't they just promote the utopia for the people who want it? Why the desire to impose it on all others. It's actually pretty weird.

The Amish show you can go and just do it. Make your commie utopia. If it's so great, people will sign up. You don't need to coerce others into joining.

The "right" sometimes imposes its stupid agenda too. That "trad" life doesn't appeal to everyone--that's fine. Build trad-land if you want. If a kid doesn't want to live in trad land they could move to San Francisco or something. No biggie.

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