Sunday, August 2, 2020

How Narrative and Ritual Builds Corporate Entities

There's no narrative in the natural world, in the real actual world. Of course there are sequences of events and those events can be described with words. A simple declarative statement, like "A blue jay landed on the deck railing" does convey some "information" but it's a minute fraction of the information contained in the direct experience of watching such a thing happen. (I've written a whole bunch of posts on the topic of the relationship between symbols and reality.)

"Narrative" is an imitation realty that exists entirely in the mind of the listener or reader. Narratives seem to be the basis for establishing and keeping corporate entities together, whether it's a unit as small as a family, or a business, or something as large as a modern nation state. (Here's a post on how a "distributed brain" works)

Rituals are a physical enactment of a narrative. The "mask wearing ritual" is a great example. People affirm the covid-19 narrative of some lowly creature like Bill Gates by putting a dirty rag over their face. They accept an alien will being imposed on them and replacing their own.

The highest achievement of a grifting scumbag like Bill Gates is successfully pulling off this type of con. Successfully brainwashing and scamming the gullible is the gold medal achievement.

The highest achievement for any human is the ascent of consciousness and the exercise of choice and free will. The Bill Gates creatures represent a test. Unfortunately, I see many people failing that test, but I also know and see others passing the test.

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