Thursday, December 12, 2019

How Can a Distributed Brain Work?

The theme of The Matrix is as old as Plato's Cave Myth and has been a prevalent topic in Sci-Fi in recent decades: what does it mean to be a full human being when everyone from birth is part of and a creation of civilization rather than a natural human being. The feeling that civilization is alien, other, and even hostile is hard to shake. The movie They Live is a really good depiction of this concept.

The concept of social intelligence, or a shared/distributed brain might offer a good explanation of this feeling. Some part of our brain is actually connected to other human brains. The thoughts that emanate from that part of the brain aren't our own thoughts. They really are external.

The language of that shared brain is mostly non-verbal, which is another reason it seems alien to us.

Advertisers, governments, religions have all been able to hack that shared brain to scam people for thousands of years.

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