Friday, August 21, 2020

Netflix Garbage versus Random YouTubers

 We subscribe to a handful of streaming services. It's pretty amazing how Hollywood spends billions of dollars a year making movies and TV series, but 99.9% of it is boring, derivative crap. Every once in a while we find something that's entertaining at least, but mostly we just have that on the background while reading websites of researching things.

Most Netflix produced series are laced with comically ham fisted propaganda that pushes the religious and philosophical beliefs of a tiny minority sect that's nominally associated with the United States, that is, some sect of supposedly Jewish people--I don't even know what that label really means--maybe Babylonians is a better description. For example, there has to be a number of characters who are black or brown. One of them will be homosexual or pansexual. One of the white female characters will have a relationship with a black character. All the characters will be retarded and have only magical powers rather than accomplish any goal through work or skill Unfortunately, I think the social engineering is really effective.

We also watch a lot of YouTube videos. A huge number of YouTube videos are essentially the opposite of the Babylonian trash. There will be some white dude that is trying to build or make something, or fix something, or grow crops, or help an animal, etc... It's a demonstration of actual virtue or skill and it's also the promulgation of real knowledge to the audience.

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