Thursday, August 27, 2020

Dumb Shooter Boy

17 year old kid Kyle Rittenhouse went to Kenosha to "defend property" and ended up killing and maiming some leftist lowlifes who were trying to kill him. It's pretty clear that they instigated the violence and threatened his life, but I'm not sure that'll matter when he goes to trial. It seems like the purpose of the riots and chaos in the cities is to further deligitimize the governments and institutions in the US so some new shitty system can be installed by degenerate oligarchs.

The riots and property destruction requite the cooperation of the local (corrupt) political officials. The rioters are often imported by NGOs. It's foolhardy in the extreme to insert yourself into that mess as an individual or small group. If they riot on your property, or threaten your life, definitely fight back, but don't go to the oligarchs trap and stick your head in.

Anyway, if you're going to throw your life away on vigilante "justice" like Kyle did make sure you know more about what you're fighting or what you're trying to achieve. Don't get enmeshed in the bullshit fabricated story lines about right and left. It's all lies. It's a river of lies meant to carry along the people to some bad end.

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