Sunday, August 30, 2020

CDC: Revealing the Scam. It won't even matter.

You can go plow through the data yourself on the CDC's website, but if you are mentally capable of that, you probably already think Covid is a giant scam. If you aren't then you'll have to wait until some celebrity retard or politician that you "trust" tells you what to think.... but by then it might be too late.

Unfortunately, what I think could be happening is the turning of the ages will also be a big mulching of the population... which is really sucky to think about. The creature that first ventured out of the water into the mud was probably forced to do it, and the first pair that survived were probably really surprised that they did.

The transition from having a mass population, mass media, and mass brainwashing as the basis of civilization might be drawing to a rapid and terrifying close. If you're not capable of individual discernment and exercise of will, then the air might hard to breathe.

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