Saturday, August 22, 2020

America: National Jonestown

Some bureaucrat in the state of Virginia is now pushing the idea that the state health department apparatus can "mandate" vaccines for Covid. That's a line that millions of people drew in the sand, but I think it's a minority of the overall population--I'd say 25%. The scumbags pushing the corona-bologna know that.

I'm pretty baffled at the credulity of the mass of people. You can look around with your own two eyes and see that the corona news is bullshit and take a half minute and understand the contradictions in the reaction of politicians to the supposed virus, or look and see the news of throngs of people partying in Wuhan China, and use your own independent judgement to realize it's bullshit. However, many people in northeast Ohio at least are stuck in the phony narrative and can't form an independent thought. They will drink the koolaid when it's offered. They have no will of their own.

That 25% will actually fight back. In fact, it seem like a fairly major component of this scam was to prepare them to do just that. That 25% of people is an overwhelmingly large amount for the government to contend with. It seems pretty likely that any move to "force" a vaccination will fail catastrophically, and the loss of trust in the system will cascade through a large population. Suddenly all the mandates and systems of the governments will seem very stupid and arbitrary, because they are. Similarly, corporations will attempt to force employees and customers into this "decision" too.

We're headed for a pretty turbulent time--because of a cold and a massive PR campaign that induced fear in the population. Crazy.

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