Friday, January 24, 2020

A Scam Based Society

People who believe they are governed by the spirit of the law can't get along with people who believe only in the letter of the law. They have a fundamentally different understanding of reality. The people who believe in the spirit of the law believe in a transcendent reality where there's an essentially benevolent nature and god who's ultimately in control and that our role as humans is to seek the path that approximates nature. The letter of the law people are liars and cheats because they think nature is damaged and fallen and that requires cheating and lying.

The current iteration of the United States is an entirely scam based society that's losing touch with natural law on a daily basis. An army of little demons has been gnawing away at the connection with reality for at least a century, if not more. The metaphor of the "They Live Glasses" is probably more than just a fictional story. At some point the people will see the scam en masse and then will seek a return to the natural law.

The scam based society is a pile of paper stacked up around a weak oligarchy of people who hate nature and fear the natural law.

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