Thursday, January 16, 2020

Gun Laws--Manufacturing Sides of a Conflict

The 2016 presidential election showed that there's a distinct split in the population between cities and rural and suburban populations in the US. The rural/suburban population are adherents of the ideals of Jeffersonian Democracy more or less. The cosmopolitan populations are adherents of federalism and are in patronage networks of the government and financial system. The cosmopolitans actively hate and fear the more rural population, apparently. The rural population doesn't really seem to care or think very much about the cosmopolitans.

Gun ownership and regulation of gun ownership is one of the major sticking points between these groups. From my perspective, it's a nonsense divide and conquer issue. Gun enthusiasts see a steady erosion of gun "rights" as slippery slope existential threat. They fail to see it as a divide and conquer con game. The cosmopolitans are afraid of the rural and suburban population, because they do expect an uprising of the general population against their parasitic institutions. At the same time, they're not concerned at all with urban populations who commit the most crime with guns.

In the US system, "the people"--really the suburban and rural people--are the last line of defense against a tyrannical government. However, "the people" aren't organized at all and only rally around nonsensical issues that are settled within the legalistic structure of the system that, at this point, is completely infiltrated and corrupt and hostile to the people.

The fears of both groups are pretty misplaced and manufactured. It's pretty interesting to see how the cosmopolitans are now using state's rights in plaes like Virginia and California to assert more control over individuals in a switcheroo of prior eras where "conservatives" used the states' rights to attenuate Federal government mandates and controls. I haven't really bothered to look beyond the headlines of the Virginia gun nonsense. It seems very fake. Chances are, if you're in a hard-right wing group, it's a honey pot run by a "federal government" (5th column infiltrated) agent.

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