Thursday, August 1, 2019

Contractual gods

A few different religious groups view their god as a rule maker and they follow the letter of the law rather than principles that transcend a set of rules. Other groups think there is only the spirit of the law and that the essence of the divine order can't be translated to language. These two groups of people can't understand each other. The spirit of the law people should never trust the letter of the law people.

Laws and rules are inevitably paired with cheating and a quest for loopholes. Many religious people who conceive of a law-based god constantly cheat. Mormons, for example, who are forbidden coffee drink Mountain Dew or some other caffeinated beverage. Jewish women who are supposed to cover their hair wear wigs made of hair. Amish people have a life that's based on dozens of rules, but work around them all the time.

The idea of Koans or other similar meditations (e.g. the Tao Te Ching) on the nature of reality that seek to transcend the merely symbolic, and limited representation of reality that our languages can capture are like a doorway to the truth and to knowledge that can't be uttered.

These two ways of understanding what god and the natural order of the universe might be associated with the left and right hemisphere of the brain. The symbolic, cyclopean hemisphere only sees symbols. The integrating, visual hemisphere apprehends the whole.

The Beast System is of the contract ridden world of lies. The natural law world is transcendent. 

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