Thursday, January 2, 2020

Narrative Control/Mind Control

Some groups and individuals externalize their identity into a "thing". The notion of corporate "branding" is a prime example. Some corporations put a lot of money and resources into publicizing a story, mythological version of what they are. That thing is like a koan in that it only exists in the minds of the people who pay attention to it or think about it. Unlike the koan, it's not really an active, living thought-form it's a static, dumb dead thing. Individuals who do that are the lifetime actor type. They promote a stage version of who they are. In some cases that persona is promoted and advertised like a corporate brand.

The SJWs--mainly "jewish" organizations like the ADL--attempt to brand "white people" as evil through slander and repetition of tropes on corporate media outlets like CNN. White people don't promote some corporate version of who they are except in jest and parody. "Like the wheel? How about that car? Thanks white man." Groups like the ADL flip out about that stuff.

So much effort and money goes into this slander campaign, but I think it's really back firing pretty spectacularly. I wonder if the people who do have a corporate identity have no individual identity. Maybe when you're very far removed from concepts like honor, and are a 100% subversive trickster persona, you have no individual identity.

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