Monday, January 27, 2020

Mystery Religion and "Elites"

A handful of times in my life I willfully denied my inner guiding voice and followed a wicked path. In each case, I was subsequently haunted with regret. One unfortunate aspect of that form of guidance is it's only negative. It's like a fence rather than a path. Being human is mostly about muddling through on incomplete and missing information. We don't know why we're here on Earth.

Religions often pretend to have answers. One of the greatest religious scams is to offer those answers in sequential fashion--the levels and degrees of mystery religions is a really persistent scam. Another great scam is to initiate the wealthy via degenerate or spectacular rites like orgies and human sacrifices and to make them into high priests and keepers of the secrets.

A cult like NXIVM is a great modern example. A rando dude with some jewish booze mafia money setup a sex and blackmail ring like Epstein's except for marks who like adult women. He convinced a bunch of attractive actresses to have sex with him and warped their minds to the point they were getting his initials branded onto their nether regions.

The proliferation of mystery religion among "elites" and extreme religious scams is really common. It gives them something to do and plays on their narcissism. The current formulation, and probably a persistent formulation is that the secret is "men can become gods". At the end of the reign of the Tsars, their household was lousy with mystery religion conmen.

I think it's plausible that there are mystery religion cons that persist generation to generation and stack up resources. It looks like hollyweird is probably a long running organized mystery religion con troupe. It seemingly popped int existence ex nihilo. The scam of "stars" and grooming attractive men and women actors into depravity was already tried and tested.

When the mystery religion bullshit spills out into the open, that's probably a sign of serious instability ahead. In the USA, at least, there's still some semblance of propriety that keeps the worst practices of the degenerate "elite" at bay.

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