Friday, January 31, 2020

Sanders and Trump and the Corporate Party Collapse

The neocons imploded and are thankfully being chased off the public stage and the neoliberals are in the process of collapsing too. Their legacy is a pile of paper money, a much bigger pile of debt, and human feces and needles on their home city streets.

It's pretty comical and weird that Bernie Sanders is the "frontrunner" of the blue party. There are commies in humanities departments all over the United States that have been brainwashing middle class kids for a few decades at least. I've run into people who went to Cuba for a semester, for example with some commie history prof to see how great it was to be a commie. It's pretty surprising how many people they influenced, so now, some people see a completely failed horror show system as a serious alternative to the shitty corporate government we have now, and they see Bernie Sanders as a viable Presidential candidate.

The commies probably can't reform the blue squad into a viable populist party because they built their coalition on race and anti-white people racism. The oligarchy behind the current version of the GOP's faux populism did a much better job of cloaking themselves and aligning with the white majority population.

An interesting aspect of the current reformulation of politics in the US is that the neocon/lib corporatists are slowly and steadily losing their grip on the governing institutions in the United States in spite of being in control of giant piles of paper assets. The legal and government bureaucracies are necessary to prop up the "value" of that paper pile and consume a huge portion of the resources the US produces.

If there's a total loss of credibility of institutions like the CFR or Ivy League schools, how long will their paper assets maintain "value"? The corporatocracy is still heavily entrenched and sucking up the lion's share of resources and  people's energy in the United States, but it seems like it's lost the confidence of the people.

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