Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Infallible Retards

The human condition is really about muddling through life on sketchy, incomplete information. People are also prone to fantastical delusions about immortality and "perfection", which are concepts that seem to live entirely in the negative space of our perceptions of the natural world, or that arise from extrapolation of our artistic and practical endeavors.

It seems that there's some element of human beings who wish to replace the messy natural world with their version of "perfection" and their vision. Unfortunately, these people are often confidence men in the most basic sense. Maniacal salesmen with a "dream" for how the world should be can create cults or religions and lure thousands or millions of people to commit acts of wanton destruction and depravity.

The commies are one of the most recent examples. In one of the best demonstrations of how stupid and short-memoried people are, marxism has a pretty strong grip on universities and colleges across the western world in spite of being a blood soaked mega failure. Fascism of the 20th century was another similar failure. The presentation of the "state" as a theatrical, larger than life god, with all its employees in fancy outfits concealed yet another monster. 

Simple, basic Christianity is a pretty good match for this aspect of human nature and a big improvement on the classical world and its cults and spectacles.

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