Thursday, January 23, 2020

Externalized/Corporatized "Identity"

A fairly common tactic for subjugating and controlling large groups of people is to form them into a legal entity. The native tribes in the United States, for example, were repeatedly pushed into deals with the feds via armed conflict. In more recent decades, various groups basically moved out of the "natural culture" into a bureaucratically and legally controlled culture. Women, and "minorities", and other protected classes ended up being sometime wards of the state.

The leaders of the native tribes in the United States struck deals with the feds, while the minority groups and women got spokesmen and women who were often placed by government agencies, like the CIA or the FBI.

An aspect of that infiltration of natural culture via bureaucracy is the externalization and corporation of "identity". People's characteristics and habits are converted into a legal description. The media is an important element in that subversion of individuals. It provides models of those habits and characteristics in TV and movies. The education system also plays a role in legitimizing that legal description of a person as a representative of a group.

This method of subjugation expands the bureaucratic and legalistic realm of human life and shrinks the natural culture. The relationships between people are engineered rather than natural. The natural culture changes slowly and accumulates knowledge and techniques through trial and error and exposure to a wide range of conditions. The laws that govern family life today, for example, were an a posteriori codification of practices that accumulated over centuries. The relationship between men and women and children followed from the natural law and slowly adapted to new ways of life.

An attempt to engineer relationships between people is doomed and foolhardy as Mao's campaign to kill sparrows.

It seems like there's some inflection point where civilizations go off the rails. The set of technologies and methods that propel it to a certain size and level of consumption include some hidden flaw that makes them very unstable. For example, if a civilization relies on a particular commodity, a sustained disruption of supply can destroy the systems that keep it going.

The west has been infiltrated by a hostile, alien culture that relies on systems to enslave its people. It's literally a paper monster that scams and schemes. It turns everything into toy models and simulacra of nature.

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