Sunday, January 26, 2020

Coronavirus alt Media Coverage

It's hard to know what's really going on with the Wuhan Plague just like it's really hard to know why the US is at war in Iraq, or what is really going on in syria. Usually there's more raw information available through the alt-media, but there's a corresponding amount of informed speculation.

It seem like the virus is probably relatively dangerous and contagious and the number of people infected is higher than reported by the Chinese commies. I think it's harder to infer anything from the actions of a totalitarian central planning government, though. The notion that  the virus must be more dangerous than reported because the commies quarantined such a large area and so many people is wrong. Commie governments are even dumber and more prone to arbitrary and nonsensical actions than western "democratic" regimes.

The real test will be what happens to the westerners who were exposed to the virus. Will it spread among the group of people who were exposed to those folks? If that happens, then it's SHTF time. I'll probably just stock up on supplies and hunker in the bunker for a few weeks until this shit blows over.

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