Friday, January 17, 2020

"The Right Wing Anti Government Extremist" Archetype and Virginia

For several years hollywood has been selling the "right wing extremist" archetype in various movies and TV shows. The only one I remember distinctly, because it was so ham fisted, was a villain in the TV show Longmire. One of the characteristics the "they" portray in association with the "right wing extremist" is he's anti law enforcement, which doesn't really seem to gibe with the stance of the typical right winger. It's interesting they push that concept so hard, though. There's probably a lot of "right wing" police.

In the episodes, the right wing group kidnaps and murders several government agents and tortures the female cop/love interest of the title character Walt Longmire, who, by the way, is a rugged individualist/no-nonsense sheriff in Wyoming. It's not clear what his political beliefs are, but it seems unlikely he'd be a cosmopolitan commie.

Anyway, you can really see how this propaganda works. They push out a story line over and over again to form the narrative framework in people's minds several years in advance. Finally, they can stage some event and then tell the story in the news as if it happened per their description. In Virginia, for example, the governor, who's probably some totally blackmailed human POS is characterizing gun-rights militia groups, which are probably complete fabrications of the CIA/FBI, as right wing extremists.

The tax farming/financialized system is parasitic and pervasive in nature. You can't even fight it with a gun. In the United States, at least, if you're in Virginia, a simple way to "fight it" is by moving to West Virginia or some other state. You take your assets and your productivity with you. The government loses access to your life energy.

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