Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Ludlow Massacre

Back in 1914, there was a sustained clash between striking coal miners in Colorado and the mine and government. The details of the story are appalling in the extreme. The mine was owned by the Rockefellers.

It was set up as a "paid" slave camp, basically. The miners were prisoners who were kept in line by armed guards and were of course exploited financially. The mine guards would randomly shoot through the tents where the workers lived, sometimes injuring or killing people. Eventually the conditions prompted the workers to rise up and violently oppose the mine. Workers and their families were massacred, plus the goons and "managers" of the slave-mine were killed by workers. Eventually Woodrow Wilson sent in the national guard to crush the uprising, which led to a violent massacre of men, women, and children. It's unimaginable that such a thing could happen in the US, well it was unimaginable until the past couple of years.

Why didn't the Rockefeller family get run out of the country or picked off one by one? Because the US government is an oligarchy, and frankly it always has been. We're a merchant colony and were since the beginning.

A lot of the really blatant exploitation of workers disappeared from the US and went overseas. Corporations still exploit workers and oppress them nearly as badly as they did in 1914, but it's out of sight. In China, people are working 12 hour days 6 days a week in some cases, to satisfy demand for consumer product crap.

Now, the oligarchy in the western world wraps itself in "liberal" do gooder causes, but it is just camo for the pursuit of tyrranical power.

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