Sunday, March 27, 2022

Animism as Antidote

I think "animism" is the philosophical understanding of the world that's natural to humanity. The basic idea is that everything has a spirit, including animals, rocks, and trees, etc... Animism is really not a "religion", which is really the great thing about it. It's potentially an antidote to "organized religion" and its deleterious effects.

Think about the promise and belief of "christian nations" versus the practice for example, especially in European history. It's a slaughterhouse of horrors. Modern europe is the worst: WWI and WWII were mechanized slaughterfests. The nations of the western world are corporation dominated entities lorded over by literal psychopaths: human robots. The big goal of many of the "leaders" of the western world is to borg-cube the planet. They want to rewrite the inconvenient natural plan with their own schemes.

The religions of the "abrahamic" tradition are basically corporate entities; they're like the "policies" of some shitty corporation. They fabricate and mold people to serve as cogs in the machine. "Judgement" and "sin" and all that are an assault on the psyche and being of masses of people.

Animism as a philosophical antidote to that and is a doorway to connection to the real-world and nature. Certainly those ideas could, and have been hijacked to promote a hive-mind agenda, as in Imperial Japan, but perhaps individual practice and subjective experience of connection to nature could offer some protection against oligarchical subversion and domination.

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