Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Nationalism is Retarded; Globalism is Worse

 If Ukraine were taken over by Russia would the people be "less free" than they are now? If the USA were taken over by the Russian Government would we be? Russian top tax rate is 15%... That's about what we pay for "social security" that's in a supposed "lock box". China's top rate is 45%! Yikes. Imagine that shit. In some US states you get close to total tax rates near China's... and roads and bridges falling apart too.

If you say the wrong thing in the US, you might not go to jail, but you can be excluded from access to a bank account or PayPal. Is that "free"? In some western countries you can go to jail for publicly doubting that the Nazis killed and cremated 6 million people. Is that "free"?

The nations and their leaders are all really similar IMO--corrupt mafiosi that don't provide much value. It's been like that for thousands of years at least. People who solved massive problems and made massive quality of life improvements for humanity are anonymous characters in history, while psychopathic mass murderers are celebrated.

How much control does the average Russian have over his government? Zero. How much does the average American? Zero as well.

In short, nationalism is retarded... You know what's even worse: a global government. That would be unimaginably corrupt and stupid. A "global" government will have even less accountability than national governments, so if you currently have zero say over the wars the US decides to wage, or the tax rate, or anything really, you'll have less than zero say over a "global" system.

We just experienced a taste of it with covid: a corporate dictatorship with zero accountability.

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