Monday, March 21, 2022

Controlled Demolition of the USA

I've done a bunch of "Suez Crisis" posts. It's actually just about here, and it's going to suck.

The Biden administration is managing to get into a conflict with China over the Ukraine thing--they're not even directly involved. They're imposing sanctions against China... I don't know the details, just saw the headline. It makes no sense. Why escalate the conflict over some eastern european country with minimal value to the USA national interest?

Several people have the theory that a "controlled demolition" of the US has been underway for years en route to "world government"--the worst idea of all time. I can sort of buy that theory. That would mean that our ostensible "leaders" are in on the demolition. I can buy that too.

Anyway, it seems pretty clear that the US domination of the world financial system is coming to an abrupt end, and with it, a restructuring of the US economy. Who knows what's going to happen from all that mess?

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