Friday, March 11, 2022

Fedcoin and Central Planning

It seems pretty clear that the current economic and financial system is being trashed so it can be replaced with the electronic gulag system. President soup-brain "ordered" a committee to research crypto currency or some such thing.

The powers that be are trying to build the "new Jerusalem" system. Basically they want to merge nature and the machine, or replace nature with their machine. People have been warning about this for decades. Think about the movie "metropolis" from the 1920s. Basically the first sci-fi movie depicted this story.

The "New Jerusalem" is basically a reflection of the inner world of the cult that seems to have members in positions of "power" and authority around the world. It's a world of total control for man and beast. It's a world where animals are tailored to suit the whim of man.

To a certain extent that happens already, but not on the molecular level. A large portion of nature remains when animals are selectively bred.

It's pretty obvious that Fedcoin world, where every transaction is monitored and taxed and traced is going to suck. It will foster mega-growth of bureaucracy and taxation, poverty and slavery.

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