Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Conspiracy Mindset

 Recently, various channels have been promoting the "Ukraine bioweapon labs" story. In short, the US funded "bioweapon" research in Ukraine for some nonsense reason. Even lifetime actor Tulsi Gabbard mentioned it.

At the same time, out of nowhere, heading into spring, the media and government officials are promoting the bullshit covid narrative that nobody even cares about anymore. It is extremely rare to see a person wearing a mask around here now. Only the most delusional hard core white liberal mongo believes she is "superior" for wearing a mask out and about in public now. I think it's <5% of the public I observe now. They are trying to get people to sign up for another clot shot.

The white liberals I know are even savvy to the scam. I can understand that a creature like Fauci or the CEO of Pfizer are just advertising to get people to take more doses to make $$$, but maybe there's a plot involved.

What if the clot shots are hot shots this time? It'd be convenient to blame a wave of deaths on "bioweapons". It's unlikely for sure. The "bioweapon" labs in Ukraine might or might not exist. They might just be a money laundering scam. There might be no connection between the stories, etc... Nevertheless, it is interesting that they're both being promoted now, especially the covid story.

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