Sunday, March 6, 2022

Blunt Truth About the Situation in Ukraine and Russia

 I thought this interview was pretty good:

It was a stark assessment of the situation. I'm amazed Fox aired it. In short: Russia is an overwhelming force versus Ukraine. Ukraine's "President" is a puppet. The interviewee doesn't say who is pulling the strings, btw. The puppet is not working in the best interest of his nation's people and is jeopardizing their lives. Russia is taking care not to destroy infrastructure or kill civilians.

If the Ukrainians are dumb, they will end up with a broken smouldering battlefield country like Syria. It will be squashed between Russian oligarchs and Putin and "Western" oligarchs who do not give two fucks about people in Ukraine (or in Russia or the USA or western europe. They're an invasive parasite.)

If the Ukrainians are smart, they will turn neutral. That is such a no brainer. Why wouldn't a country, if given the chance, do that? Opt out of the insanity of the "sides" of the various world conflicts and even prosper because of it... no duh. It worked for Switzerland. Ukraine is probably in a better position to benefit from a neutral stance than anybody.

The west is a joke. Whatever it used to stand for was probably fake, too, but now it's a cracked out retarded clown show run by white collar criminals and greedy inbred freaks. "Freedumb!"

I'm not a fan of the eastern world's outlook either--China. No thanks. Russia has been a corrupt basket case for a long time too. It could do way better. the Russian people are awesome. The country is loaded with natural resources.

It's too bad the common people of the world couldn't go all Jeffersonian democracy on the asses of their trash oligarchies--torch them all at the same time in a big freedom bonfire.

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