Tuesday, February 11, 2020

WTF is the Harvey Weinstein Trial?

I haven't paid any attention to the Harvey Weinstein trial, but I did catch a couple of reports on it recently. I'm not going to even post any links. If you want to look into the sordid details, that's your choice.

The details make me think the guy at the Transpocalypse youtube channel--long deleted by youtube--was really onto something about Hollywood. It seems like Weinstein had deformed genitals--maybe was a hermaphrodite at birth. His parents maybe had him assigned to male gender. They really made a point of feeding that information out to the public via the testimony.

Hollywood is an outpost of the remnants of babylon. Part of their superstition involves gender swapping and hermaphrodism. In Plato's Symposium, the playwright Aristophanes gives a little speech about the topic. I think the vast majority of people who read that and the vast majority of people who teach about that dialog take it as a metaphor, but for the babylonians, it's literal.

There's a little priesthood cult that periodically gets exposed and ousted as their depravity goes on display. Weinstein is probably fairly "normal" compared to the rest of them.

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