Friday, February 7, 2020

There's no "Narrative" In Real Life

The coronavirus outbreak prompted many youtubers to revisit the 2001 anthrax scare in the United States. In retrospect, it looks like some government agency planned and carried out the attacks, then framed a worker in the lab that produces anthrax. Their intent was to attach Saddam Hussein to the World Trade center attack so they'd have a pretext to invade Iraq again.

A sure sign that the government is lying about any event is that a story "emerges" right away about who did something and why. In real life, hardly any sequence of events falls together into a story. Usually there's hardly even any sequential, related causes and events.

Liars, however, seem to fall into the habit of relying on fiction devices to fabricate their lies.

The "novel" coronavirus outbreak in China is a good example. Many articles came out right away after the outbreak made headlines in the United States that suggested there's a lab in China that might have released the virus. Other versions of what happened circulated from other central sources of propaganda. Consequently, today, there's mostly just a pile of lies and misinformation about the disease.

It seems plausible it's a bioweapon... although I think some commentators are filling in big gaps in the available information with speculation. It seems plausible that it's a trial run of some virus that's targeted at specific genetic groups... I think that's the best doomsday scenario for humanity, by the way: Psychopaths + ethnic hatred + genetic engineering will embolden some lunatic group to try to mass kill their imaginary enemies.

It's also plausible it's a big engineered PR driven panic to make money. What's the typical death rate for the flu in China? It might be higher than in western countries? I really have no idea.

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