Monday, February 10, 2020

Mayor Butt--How Many 0bama's Are Out There?

I was dumb enough to vote for 0bama in 2008... I even donated money to that asshole's campaign. I was so sick of the neocons that some rando actor who bankers installed in office seemed like a better choice than the red party. Then, of course, 0bama continued 99.9% of Bush's policies, which finally black pilled me on US national politics. Man, the bank bailouts and wars really destroyed the federal government's credibility. It was a few steps too far so anyone paying any attention at all could see.

"Mayor" Pete Butt is another 0bama. Actually he seems like a 0bama/Clinton hybrid. He was a Rhodes Scholar, naval intelligence officer and worked in Afghanistan. The intelligence agencies seem to be recruiting grounds for the Empire. 0bama has a murky background, to say the least, and his back story was manufactured. His mom worked with the CIA. It seems like he was a CIA kid. That big tangled ball of nonsense and subversion has infiltrated the elected offices in the US. How many of these people are installed in local and state offices all over the United States?

They get one of these guys an office to give them some "credibility" as a politician, then they try to promote them up the ladder. What a joke.

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