Sunday, February 9, 2020

Cults and Politics

One of the stranger phenomenon of the Trump presidential era is the unopposed "virtue signaling" of left wing nut jobs like academics and politicians on national media outlets. Some loser magically gains credibility by critiquing white people as racist, or transphobic or whatever the talking points of the moment are. The typical politician or pundit has no real skills and possibly no real expertise, except confidence gaining and selling a lie. But there's an assumption of moral superiority, and overall superiority by some segment of the population by reciting some cosmopolitan persona script. It resembles a religious movement.

In this time of transition, it's interesting to see the parties in the US shape shift and attempt to form coalitions that can get their leadership into lucrative patronage spewing positions. The "left" seems deranged to the point that it's incapable of formulating a winning coalition. It's possible they believe their own lies and ideology to the point of committing treason and undermining their nation for "the cause".

The "left" is fairly openly declaring war on the "white" population in the United States and really doesn't believe in the founding principles of the country. It's an alien 5th column, basically. However, they're mostly at the level of LARPing and cosplay rather than a real threat. I think they're really far from crossing a line that would lead to violence or a "civil war".

The major weakness of the 5th column is that it is centrally coordinated and motivated--by whom? I don't know. The apparent weakness of the "white" people in the United States is a lack of corporate organization. However, that's really a huge strength. The centralized propaganda from new york media people to push commie ideology, for example, is met with 10,000 critiques. The centralized propaganda is all the same, too.

I think the most likely outcome of the current cultural moment is a dissolution of centralized institutions, including corporations and possibly the government, over a fairly long period of time. I think the next thing to collapse after the corporate news will be universities and colleges. I think in 10 years or so, if you have a college degree in some non-professional field (like a doctor or a dentist) people will think you're actually a dumb ass.

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