Saturday, February 22, 2020

Oligopoly and Monopoly Scams of Tech

YouTube started off with a simple idea--video broadcasting for anyone. It grew like crazy. It really capitalized on the low cost of internet bandwidth and storage.

Then they were bought by Goolag, added commercials and monetization to videos and allowed their mom and pop channels to get paid. Once it started to compete with the old media, they started to tie YouTube up with agreements and started scamming the little guy video producers to keep the lion's share of ad revenue and attention. They used every con and scam and slander campaign in the book to drive that process.

All the tech companies strive toward oligopoly scams and schemes while pretending to be public spaces or working in the public interest. They really suck and are congenital liars. They're all just manifestations and agents of the financial system and its grasping a scheming minions.

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