Saturday, February 15, 2020

China: Still a Colony

The government of the US is filled with to the rafters with corporate whores. Ironically, it seems like the "left" is the oligarchy party. The neoliberals pay lip service to the social justice rhetoric, while the "far left" really believes that bullshit. A company like Apple is the ultimate expression of this scenario. It's basically got a colonial era style agreement with Chinese manufacturers who turn out their people and natural resources. Apple imports gadgets and sells them with a huge markup to cultish retards.

The commie party in China in china is the oligarchy party, but it came to power after its totalitarian antecedents. It's cloaked in a very thin veil of lies and rhetoric. It survives only by disrupting and infiltrating people's day-to-day life. The citizenry there are a few steps above slaves.

The western oligarchy seems hell bent on achieving that same level of control over people's lives.

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