Sunday, February 23, 2020

Coronavirus and Corporatocracy

It seems likely the coronavirus in China is going to have a large economic impact by disrupting the production of parts and manufactured goods, even if it doesn't reach bubonic plague levels of death and misery.

You have to try really hard to find something that's actually made in the United States today--even then, it's typically composed of parts or materials that are made in Asia. Lax and non-existent safety and environmental and labor standards, plus government subsidies make the apparent cost of those products "low", of course. The low price race to the bottom has been rotting the US economy's insides out for decades... But that's a beaten to death story.

There are redundant suppliers in some cases, but not in others. If this whole stupid system collapses, which seems plausible, it won't be rebooted any time soon. Like everything else, for every benefit the global economy brought, it brought at least one negative effect. Disease is part and parcel of movement of goods and people. In this case, the virus might have the added kick of including GMO and genetic engineering released from a lab Cat's Cradle style.

I doubt many people will have patience for government imposed retarded plans and schemes in the United States to counteract a big outbreak of some disease, regardless of how much fear porn preceded it. Maybe this incident will start to crack up the corporate oligarchy bullshit we've been dealing with for the past couple of decades.

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