Thursday, October 3, 2019

Why Porn is Free: Jamming the Signals

Hosting video content on the scale of YouTube is very expensive, apparently. In spite of collecting a constantly growing stream of ad revenue, YouTube allegedly loses billion(s) of dollars annually. At the minimum it requires a data center, a staff of people who earn 6 figure salaries, and a fairly large chunk of bandwidth and data surcharges. Google and YouTube are in a better position than most internet companies on that score, too, since they have lots of Internet infrastructure.

There is oodles of free porn, though. There's more free porn than the most hard core porn addict could ever watch. The ad revenue on a porn site would be minimal. It's not clear how the partner sites would ever make any money if they're giving away free porn on a different site. All that free porn, and all the production costs of all that free porn is probably heavily subsidized from something or someone(s). It's basically a form of propaganda.

There are prosaic reasons for it. It warps younger people's ideas about sexuality. It possibly reduces male fertility (I don't really know about that one). More importantly, it forms a base/primal attraction to devices. People associate the pleasure of sexual release with their phone and computer which is pretty gross. It aids in training people to hook up their endocrine and nervous system to their phone.

All that electronic, base level stimulation blocks other more subtle signals. It blocks access to both the lower and higher modes of consciousness. It blocks access to the lower more animalistic level of consciousness by providing an electronic simulacra of the "real thing".

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