Sunday, October 27, 2019

When Propaganda Backfires

Lately I've been thinking that TV shows like "Little House on the Prairie" were like a carrier wave for propaganda by an alien culture. The aliens had to use the vernacular of the audience and the cultural artifacts of the nation to carry the whispers of their poison. It looked wholesome and American as apple pie, but it was really conditioning for people to stare at a screen, rather than get out and build their own barn like Pa Engels.

Today, though, the propaganda is so ham fisted that even a retard has the "They Live" glasses and can see the aliens. It's like they are running out of patience, so rather than steadily increasing the dose of poison, they had to pour it in all at once. The propaganda almost works in reverse. By trying to eliminate male/female and masculine/feminine roles via propaganda, for example, it ends up showing how valuable those roles are to a family and community.

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