Friday, October 11, 2019

China and "Globalism"

I had what might be a pretty interesting revelation today... maybe rather than a revelation this topic is just starting to bubble to the surface of the collective conscious mind of people in the alt-media sphere:

China just killed "globalization"

Or at least exposed in really stunning black and white high contrast clarity that there is no such thing. The "globalists" are just a small faction of "westerners" who are really traitors to their nations and sold their home nations out for profit. I think they fundamentally misunderstood China all along. Their miscalculation might end up being fatal.

A trope of various histories of ancient times is the traitor who threw the gates open so their city was conquered was the first person the invaders put to death--as a "reward". Nobody trusts or needs a traitor. I don't think China's going to conquer the west... nope actually the "globalists" just got caught out.

Their fatal miscalculation is that China is an ethnostate... they're really not commies or internationalists or whatever. They're a throwback version of the west, which totally boggles my mind.

So here's the scenario that's playing out--the globalists are exposing themselves as feckless piece of shit money grubbers as they kowtow to the Chinese. Everyone knew that, but maybe didn't have it shoved in their faces over and over again. They're low trash. At the same time they're kowtowing to China, they're talking shit to their host nations... Good luck continuing that plan.

The Chinese will probably wake up the west at long last from it's slumber. Who could have ever guessed.

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