Sunday, October 6, 2019

Tech: The Controlling Myth of Western Civilization

I watched "Jupiter Ascending" a few days ago. It's a sort of famously crappy movie. It's really not worth breaking down or discussing in any detail. I think it depicts the west's real religion in great detail. Sci-Fi movies and TV shows are the cathedrals of that religion. Star Trek is the canonical myth of that religion. Tech, the god Hermes, which is conflated with the character Cain in the crappy movie, is the hero. Tech saves the world. Tech saves the people from the ancients--really gods of yore representing natural forces.

Star Trek, the Space Program, the consumer electronics world are the overarching controlling mythology and principle of our civilization. When there is a problem of any kind now, a tech "solution" is proposed. Bees dying off (is that even real or more fear porn)? Make robot bees. Never mind the GMO and pesticide residues that might be causing the die off.

Is tech world sustainable for much longer? Probably not.

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