Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Plausible Explanation for The Weirdness of Astrology

There are so many movies and TV shows and works of literature that are about astrology topics, for example the Game of Thrones and Star Wars. There's a huge body of literature on the subject, but a lot of it is corrupted or plagiarized and distorted via copies. You really can't find the "authoritative" sources, because they possibly don't exist. The basic terminology they use isn't even consistent from source to source. Why does anyone even care about it, let alone, invest millions, probably billions of dollars in dramas about it?

A previous post discussed a plausible (likely?) origin for the number 666 as the sum of all the elements in the series 1...36, for all the Babylonian "Gods". The Babylonians divided each sign of the zodiac into 3, for 36, which basicaally subdivides the sky into 10 degree chunks--the terminology is "decans" (I think that's a latin word).

The Egyptians had a heliacal rising star associated with each decan. For an agricultural society, the decan would have some prosaic real world significance. The sky would be a clock and calendar that was apparently associated with, and maybe viewed as the source, of the prosperity of a nation and its people, or the failing of crops and associated plagues and famine. On top of that, over thousands of years, the clock would fall out of sync with the seasons due to procession of the equinox.

I think their understanding of the world as impermanent and cyclical arose from the use of the sky as a clock. Our linear history model probably comes from the mechanical clocks we use.

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