Saturday, October 26, 2019

Inner Worlds and Factionalism

One of the YouTube channels I watch recently tried to talk some sense into flat earth people. It's completely pointless to argue about that topic. It's a similar topic to transgender kids. Some people were recently convinced, even though they probably hadn't ever thought about it their entire life, that a child can be born the "wrong" gender, so they should start taking hormones when they're six or seven. People believe that with a violent passion, now.

It's almost impossible to explain how or why people can be passionately attached to any idea that really has no impact or relation to their actual life. There's really no impact on my life about the tranny thing. Even the trans kids. If some insane parent wants to chemically castrate their son, it's really fucked up that there are psychopathic doctors who will do that, but it's really no consequence to me or anyone I know.

The "white people" really have no tribal wizards anymore... or maybe not until recently. The tribal wizards fight to shape, or preserve the shape of the inner world of their people. That comes at a cost, however. The "tradition", which is really a shared inner world isn't necessarily the greatest thing. It can stifle individualism and the growth and maturity of an individual. It can also stifle experimentation with new ways of doing things.

As a consequence, the white people believe almost any bullshit.... maybe up to a point. They fall victim pretty easily to scams and schemes of self interested groups.

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