Friday, October 4, 2019

Civil War Grooming

There's a redonk amount of talking about a "civil war" in the USA. Basically social media has given people an alternative reality bubble where their innermost demons and wildest fantasies can run wild. The "left" has a bunch of imaginary enemies on the fake right, and the "right" has a bunch on the fake "left". These people walk past each other in the grocery stores all over the United States every day all the time. The soccer mom online leftists and the hard core right wingers who think they're mortal enemies routinely interact IRL with no problems and aren't even in any type of competition.

It's shameful how easy it is for the oligarchy is able to turn people against each other via a troupe of actors like Trump and Pelosi and the rest. I think it's possible to stir people up online without any sort of real world effect taking place though... in fact, the gap between the real world reality and the online fantasy land is at a peak level right now. It might end up having the opposite effect overall. More people will see how toxic and fantastical the online world is, and will hopefully abandon it.

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