Thursday, October 31, 2019

Freedom on the Frontier

Many people in the United States go into debt on a regular basis. They have an apparent need or desire for something, like a car, so they sign up for several years of payments (really work) to get it. Many people don't ever get off the hamster wheel. After a lifetime of following that behavior, which is heavily cultivated by corporations, families end up broke with a pile of useless, completely depreciated garbage consumer products. People view their "savings" as a buffer for debt service payments, rather than a net worth. I lived that way for many years.

It's noteworthy that almost all those families went through the great depression just two generations before! They completely forgot the lessons of those times. In fact, they flipped those lessons completely over.

In the depression era, the economy of the United States became very localized, more like the Amish live today. People made their own stuff in cottage industry fashion. That pattern resembled earlier eras in US history. Today, most people don't do anything themselves. They're complete retards outside their field of endeavor. In fact, when they have time for leisure activity, people usually spend it watching TV or movies, which trains their consumerism, or some people leisure travel, which is just another aspect of the consumer debt life.

"Easy" credit is one of the factors driving that tendency, but it's more behavioral and choice driven. All the people engaged in a particular behavior, like the consumer/debt/corporate life, end up playing a game that shapes their behavior and limits their apparent choices.

In the early days of United States expansion, the frontier was territorial and geographical, because there were boundaries between the settled areas and the lands of the native tribes, who lived a completely different way than the europeans. Today, the frontier is really everywhere geographically, because it's behavioral and based on people's minds and training.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Energy Efficiency Paradox and Resource Bottlenecks

There's a phenomenon associated with energy efficiency that was noted in Britain back in the 19th century. (Jevon's Paradox) When machines got more energy efficient (Watt's steam engine), coal consumption actually increased. In the United States and Western Europe, most people live a 10 kilowatt lifestyle. The per capita energy use has remained roughly the same for many, many decades in spite of huge improvements in efficiency (fuel injected engines for example). LED lighting is a good example of the mechanism that seems to drive this paradox. The lights last indefinitely and use little power, so they can be left on all the time, and can be used in many more places. This concept goes hand in hand with the idea that technology doesn't really advance it just grows.

This paradox is good evidence of an Egregore. That is, our civilization is really a meta-animal borne out of the apparent autonomous action of individuals. It is bound, as a creature, by 10 kilowatts per individual. There's some underlying physical thing that limits energy use per unit time in our civilization.

In prior iterations of the beast, the Classical World, for example, the limit was much, much lower. It was probably just over the average power output per adult human--around 200 Watts.

When you mow your lawn with a 10 horsepower lawn tractor, you're employing 7.5 kWatts of power. When you mow it with a scythe, it's about 200 Watts. In the classical or medieval era, the limit was imposed by the ability of plants to turn sunlight into sugars and starches. Plants generally convert less than 1% of the sunlight into calories. It was also limited by the ability of humans and animals to convert that energy into work.

The limit in our time is probably the inefficiency of conversion of one form of energy to another, which generally creates a lot of waste heat. That waste heat conspires to limit our lifestyle to 10 kilowatts per person. (this is probably the reason we won't ever have a Star Trek civilization)

That limit is probably the real resource bottleneck in our civilization. When that resource shifts drastically into a single industry or area, like Tech, it comes out of other places, like real world infrastructure repair and improvement.

Thinking about the civilization as an Egregore or meta-animal is a better way to wrestle with a problem like "sustainability". The notion that laws of man form or constrain the Beast is a fucking joke. It's really an Egregore/wizard war. If you wanted to bring in Elf Tech world, you're really killing off the previous beast in its own plane of existence.

from here

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The "Progress" Con

I have a few posts about the idea of "linear history" or progress. Progress is really camo for the agenda of one faction in the western world. It's been a pretty effective smoke screen for many decades, but I think it's starting to clear away.

The con is to cast a political power agenda in universal terms like "social progress". The woke corporation is the a really good example of this scheme. A company like Apple, for example, promotes Gay Pride, but then bows to the anti-homo Chinese government to have access to that market. Other corporations will promote planting trees on Arbor Day, but will send all their manufacturing to overseas locations with no environmental protection to save $0.02 per widget.

Trump's Weird Statement about Taking Syria's Oil

Trump recently said/tweeted some crazy thing about the United States taking Syria's oil by somehow granting the oil to Exxon or some other company.

The usual way the United States would steal resources would be to install a puppet corrupt government and negotiate some bogus treaty. It would all seem--well, at least be reported on as very legal and procedural rather than a national level home invasion by a gang of murderers and thieves.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Machiavellianism and Realpolitik is Stupid

Historically, governments have adopted some version of realpolitik, especially in the arena of foreign policy and war. If the government was once aligned with the interests of its citizens, eventually, it even turns on them, too. The masquerade of serving the public, or protecting the interests of the people falls apart and it becomes an obvious enemy.

The main problem with realpolitik and Machiavellianism is that the people can't trust or believe the corporate government. It transitions from being a thing they can imagine serves their interests and obeys natural laws into a simple band of liars, murderers and thieves. 

When Propaganda Backfires

Lately I've been thinking that TV shows like "Little House on the Prairie" were like a carrier wave for propaganda by an alien culture. The aliens had to use the vernacular of the audience and the cultural artifacts of the nation to carry the whispers of their poison. It looked wholesome and American as apple pie, but it was really conditioning for people to stare at a screen, rather than get out and build their own barn like Pa Engels.

Today, though, the propaganda is so ham fisted that even a retard has the "They Live" glasses and can see the aliens. It's like they are running out of patience, so rather than steadily increasing the dose of poison, they had to pour it in all at once. The propaganda almost works in reverse. By trying to eliminate male/female and masculine/feminine roles via propaganda, for example, it ends up showing how valuable those roles are to a family and community.

McMansion America: Douchebags vs Rednecks

One of the reasons I think ethnonationalism makes little sense for a country like the United States is the majority population is really at least two factions already. If I were making an America Wars game, I wouldn't have a "white people" category. There are at least two major white people groups--the douchebags and the rednecks. I'd say it's "city" versus country, but it's really McMansion America versus the country people. Even within those factions, the groupings blur--there are McMansion dwellers who are really rednecks and vice versa.

Of course that division isn't peculiar to the United States, it spans the globe and crops up from time to time in history. Athens and Sparta is one instance of it. Plato points out that posterity will think Athens was very impressive and powerful because of its fancy buildings, and won't realize that Sparta was the superior power.

There's some inherent problem in building out infrastructure in cities. One of the problems is it adversely affects the people--it makes them weak and stupid by taking them further out of nature. Another is it's really like a ponzi scheme.

A typical pattern with infrastructure is that the initial build out and long term maintenance is too expensive for the original population to shoulder, so the city seeks to expand. Residential water systems often follow that pattern. As long as they're expanding--building more subdivisions and adding new customers it keeps working. In old cities where the population has declined, the infrastructure starts falling apart immediately.

In the country, people have more of their own infrastructure. The further away from population centers you get, the more infrastructure people provide, or do without. There's even a third case where rural communities build and maintain their own infrastructure without relying on incorporated governmental entities to do it, which is probably the winning combo. That retains the best components of the infrastructure, the skills of cooperation and community, and the knowledge of how to build and maintain a thing.

The douchebags are like the corporations they work for. They're apparently "strong" and wealthy, but are actually very weak and effeminate as individuals and are also actually poor. They have $100,000 in cash in a bank account and $1,000,000 in debt. The rednecks look weak because they have no corporate organization, but are stronger and more well rounded individuals. A redneck household, for example, will be stacked with tools and weapons. It's a masculine trait to hoard capabilities. A douchebag household might not even have a single screwdriver and will have zero weapons. It will rely on contractors to do even the simplest repairs and household tasks, and might pay for all those things with credit.

The rednecks also look "poor". Avoiding credit purchases will make a person look "poor" compared to a peer who leverages their income. Waiting to put a roof on your house to pay in cash and do it yourself, for example, might make the house look run down, but will put you way ahead compared to the fool who paid for a roofing contractor with a home equity loan.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Inner Worlds and Factionalism

One of the YouTube channels I watch recently tried to talk some sense into flat earth people. It's completely pointless to argue about that topic. It's a similar topic to transgender kids. Some people were recently convinced, even though they probably hadn't ever thought about it their entire life, that a child can be born the "wrong" gender, so they should start taking hormones when they're six or seven. People believe that with a violent passion, now.

It's almost impossible to explain how or why people can be passionately attached to any idea that really has no impact or relation to their actual life. There's really no impact on my life about the tranny thing. Even the trans kids. If some insane parent wants to chemically castrate their son, it's really fucked up that there are psychopathic doctors who will do that, but it's really no consequence to me or anyone I know.

The "white people" really have no tribal wizards anymore... or maybe not until recently. The tribal wizards fight to shape, or preserve the shape of the inner world of their people. That comes at a cost, however. The "tradition", which is really a shared inner world isn't necessarily the greatest thing. It can stifle individualism and the growth and maturity of an individual. It can also stifle experimentation with new ways of doing things.

As a consequence, the white people believe almost any bullshit.... maybe up to a point. They fall victim pretty easily to scams and schemes of self interested groups.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thomas Jefferson Would Have Burned Today's United States to the Ground

The US started to change into a shitty empire around the end of the 19th century, and by the end of WW2, there was very little relation between the nation of the United States and the Empire. Today, the Empire is overtly hostile to the nation. (e.g. Hillary Clinton's Deplorables comment) It's a parasite. It always was, always will be.

The idea of the United States is Jeffersonian democracy. The government and the nation is there to make a good people so the country is good--morally good and virtuous in the sense of being capable and free.

The Empire is about making the people weak, stupid and degenerates. It wants to destroy families, everything, to feed the appetite of the worst scumbags on the planet.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cult Beliefs Presented as "Science"

One of the weirder things going on in the world today is that thousands, maybe millions of people are rejecting the notion that the world is a globe that orbits the sun. I think the "rational" people among them reject "science" because as an institution, "Science" is a fraud that furthers the agenda of a handful of people in globo homo.

The rhetorical pose of "scientist" helps cultists frame their religious ideas, i.e. that there are 100 genders, as secular beliefs based on observation and evidence. It's sort of a cultish reaction to then reject an idea like the earth is a globe because of that. The politicization of science begets more politicization of science, I guess.

Rhetoric is fairly likely to give way to violence as it's really just an assertion or political position or pose rather than an argument or construct of logic.

Cult World

The UCI (globo homo body of competitive cycling) recently awarded the women's world championship title to some canadian dude. I guess now I know why the cycling champion wears a rainbow jersey.

It's very bizarre that a tiny cult has taken over institution after institution before anyone even realized what was happening and now people stand silent with hands in pockets because a jew might call them a name if they point out the absurdity shown in the picture above.

I wonder what the game plan of the globo homos is. None of the institutions that were infiltrated or that completely caved into this agenda is worth anything at this point. Unfortunately, that list is pretty long: public schools, colleges and universities, corporations, etc... They should be completely abandoned on the spot.

Unfortunately, I think people will "fight", not with fists or guns and flame throwers, but in the completely infiltrated and controlled court system, so there will be a few more years, at least of this absurdity.

I still hope that people just walk away from this thing and let it expire, but the siren song of the flame throwers, axes, and guns might win the day too.

The next Olympics will be such a massive farce. As the women athletes who trained their whole lives to complete with other women get blown out by dudes with fake tits and long hair, the athlete women will just smile and clap and pretend it all makes sense. The reporters will say how incredibly brave it is to get fake tits and compete with people half your size.

Is The Texas Tranny Custody Battle a Real Story?

A Texas court supposedly recently ruled that the mother of a 7 year old boy should have custody of her son, so she can get a doctor to inject the kid with hormones because she imagines he's really a girl because she saw TV shows that got her to believe that's possible. The entire legal system of Texas and medical facilities in Texas will take a 7 year old boy and a whole huge hospital system with piles of money doctors, nurses and facilities will  take some hormones and inject a child--who has no possible way to make such a choice about his future--and completely alter his body and radically change his future.

Is that really possible? I think the story might be propaganda. I suppose it could be real.

It's really pathetic that a tiny, tiny cult has foisted their weird religious beliefs on the United States in such an effective systematic way. Hell, it's not even just the United States, the whole western world is hypnotized by it. Will people ever snap out of it?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Flannel Men Versus Makeup Boys

When I was in high school and college, grunge "alternative" music was the big thing. Consequently everyone back then--boys and girls--wore jeans, a t-shirt and a flannel shirt as the typical day to day uniform/outfit. I think a handful of the young people consciously copy the clothing they see in the popular culture, and then it sort of ripples through the crowd as everyone else just subconsciously goes along with it. A few years ago, for example, if you were on a college campus or a bigger city, it looked like all the young people came out of the same hipster factory.

Now, there's a hugely disproportional, seemingly coordinated campaign to promote various types of niche sexuality. It's actually pretty hard to explain how and why so many resources are devoted to that agenda.

For example, faggy makeup wearing boys are being promoted heavily on YouTube even though that seems to have very limited appeal. In real life, I've seen exactly one sad looking teenage boy with dyed hair and makeup. I live in a fairly conservative town/semi-rural area, so maybe that type is severely under-represented here. That said, back in the early 1990s, anywhere you went young people were wearing T-shirts and flannel, and prior to that, young people were wearing polo shirts. So this makeup femboy thing seems like a small niche.

Is it an actual "agenda" in the conspiracy theory sense of the word, or is it just a bunch of makeup corporations trying to create and exploit a new "market"? Even if there's just one boy out of 10,000 that buys some eyeliner and lipstick, that's a fairly significant chunk of change. It's probably a fad that will come and go like grunge flannel.

Maybe in the maturity of an economic system and associated culture, the society devolves to a million niche groups. The cost of reaching and exploiting each niche group is pretty small, now with social media and readily available video hosting and streaming.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Electric Cars, California's Ailing Power Grid, and College Football

While electric cars are still a small fraction of the total number of vehicles on the road, it's a rapidly growing fraction. I rarely ever saw an electric car during my commute a few years ago, now I see them relatively often. There are Teslas, Nissan Leafs, electric BMWs, and Chevy Sparks on the road near my office on a fairly regular basis.

In theory, electric cars could be pretty cheap and reliable. If the industry standardized batteries, electronics and motors, for example, the components for cars could be very affordable and the industry could control the pollution associated with producing them. There are still nagging problems with electric cars and batteries, though that prevent mass adoption. There's a lot of optimism that those problems will be solved, but it's also plausible that some of those nagging problems won't have feasible or economical solutions any time soon.

It's a pretty good question if the overall endeavor of changing the transportation system over from petroleum to the mix of fuels used to produce electricity is any more sustainable than ICE engine powered cars or is really even "green" in aggregate.

Also, the infrastructure upgrade to support mass adoption of electric cars might not be feasible; the ailing power grid in California is an example of why the feasibility of that upgrade is questionable. Something so basic should be a top priority for the state and its people, but for whatever reason it wasn't and isn't. Similarly ailing and failing water systems around the country show how expensive infrastructure build-out and maintenance can be, and also shows people don't give a fuck about those fundamentals.

All that said, it's pretty comical to think about having to prioritize funds, or to think about resource scarcity for the electrical system on a Saturday during the college football season. In just California, how many billions of dollars, millions of gallons of liquid fuels, and kilowatt hours of electricity go into a weekend of college football?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

America Wars: The Game

I just finished listening to the audio book The Day of the Rope by Devon Stack of the YouTube channel BlackPilled. The book tries to imagine how the United States got subverted by the globalists, and also tries to imagine how they could be overthrown with a violent revolution. I wonder if this specific genre "What the Fuck Happened to the United States" is peculiar to Generation X. Our cohort was educated with a bare minimum of cultural marxism and we had a glimpse of actual america before the whole thing was subverted.

I'm interested to see how Stack plays his scenario out. The problem is much larger than who controls political institutions in the USA. Corporate america, for example, is 99% globalist. It's not even really American. The financial system is stridently anti-American. The population is American, but all our national institutions are alien. It's They Live in real life.

I started to think about a War Game version of the conflict. It'd be a lot of fun to put something like that together, plus I think it'd really illuminate the reality of our present situation.

One of the really interesting things that's happening right now illustrates a hidden cycle of history. As the globalists go from pure-propaganda/wizard war to manifestation of their bullshit in institutions, they end up being exposed as a small, weak faction. For example, as corporations simultaneously wave the rainbow flag in every Americans face, while they kowtow to traditionalist authoritarian organ harvesting China, they're shown to be feckless and gross.
Gay Banker Propaganda on Cereal
It also becomes more obvious how to spin the wheel to the next iteration of a "system". All the laws in the United States that govern commerce, for example, are geared toward making a system of control via paper on behalf of the globalist oligarchy. The patent system, for example, emphasizes ownership of a paper concept, rather than the production or implementation of a useful thing or service.

The conflict is really multi-level. At the highest level, it's a wizard war, really like a soul battle. There might even be gods and extra-dimensional entities involved. The next level down might be an operational aspect of the wizard world. Finally, it's a battle of peoples.

I think the white man lost his wizards a long time ago, but maybe they reincarnated in recent years to do battle with their ancient enemies. Pew pew!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Prepping Worthwhile?

The California power outages prompted me to look at a whole house generator. There's basically two categories of generators: expensive reliable ones, and cheap chinese stuff that is meant to be used once in a while. It's basically $5000+ or under $2000. Then you've got a choice to make about the fuel to use: gasoline, propane, or natural gas.

That range of choices inevitably leads to a question of what you're trying to prepare for: an occasional power outage, or some disruptive natural or man made disaster that knocks power out for weeks, or months.

The weird thing about a generator is you're basically buying something you'll hardly ever use. You might never use it at all. Over my lifetime, the power has only been out a handful of days altogether. The frequency of power outages is really, really low.

On the other hand, if we are moving into a new era in the United States where the system's infrastructure starts falling apart like in California, then maybe it's not valid to assume that historical condition will continue.

For most of my lifetime it seemed like there was enough money really resources for the Federal and State and Local governments to do every and anything. California shows there really aren't enough resources to do everything. California is unable to prioritize in any sane way. It's unlikely my state is either, and the Feds definitely aren't.

If we're going toward a third world scenario in the United States, where resources are limited and the government is really an overt inept and corrupt enemy of the people, then individual communities and even individual homes are going to be islands of prosperity or the current level of resource use we "enjoy" today. The high cost of the infrastructure to maintain that prosperity probably reflects that it's unsustainable on a large scale. It's also pretty unlikely that all the systems that those prosperity islands require would remain intact and functional in that scenario.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Why Is There a TSA?

There are many bureaucratic ritualistic activities in daily life in the United States. Some of them seem entirely pointless. The TSA security at the airport, for example, was permanently jammed into American life after 9/11, which was almost certainly an entirely fake event staged by various governments or government like organizations after years of planning.

Prior to 9/11, there had been airplane hijackings and even bombings of commercial flights, but the minimal airport security did a more than adequate job in keeping the risk minimal for decades. I used to be able to get to the airport 30 minutes prior to a flight and easily make it to the gate for business travel.

One aspect of these rituals is they make some contractor corporation wealthy. A more important aspect is these rituals are training. It basically makes people into cattle and gets them to accept a variety of arbitrary inconveniences and irritations all the time.

The Reward for Realpolitik

It's really interesting to see the shifty, feckless, sociopath globalists get exposed by China. The stupid kerfuffle with the stupid NBA turned a spotlight on them.

This incident highlights the inherent problems with realpolitik and with the commerce version of it. If you're a traitor. If you're a coward. If you're a congenital liar you have less than zero value. The person who would win at "any cost" is someone to be destroyed, not supported or associated with.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Why Jews Get Persecuted Repeatedly

There are a handful of areas in the United States with a large jewish population. In Ohio, the largest Jewish community is Beachwood, which is 90% Jewish.

When I was a little kid in the 1970s, I don't think I ever heard the word "jew" or "jewish". When I was in school, I wasn't even vaguely aware of any classmate who might or might not be jewish. In fact, I had very little inkling of different "ethnicities". The town and county I live in is mostly Germans, Irish, Scotts, and Italian ancestry. Even now after years of unchecked migration from south of the US border into the county, more people have German as a first language than Spanish. Was it heaven because it was "homogeneous"? Not really. People are assholes and divisive and shitty to each other for many reasons.

By the 80's and 90's, when I was in my early 20's it was becoming apparent that the United States "foreign policy", i.e. constant warfare, was being run mostly for the sake of Israel and possibly the banking system. Still, it didn't strike me as odd that was the case. It seemed plausible that US interests and the interests of one ethnic group in the US and the rest of the population were somewhat aligned, and that there was some rational reason for all the wars.

By the 2000s, it was really obvious that the media is a propaganda machine run by Jewish people and the wars are damaging to the United States and devastating to the target countries. It's fairly obvious there's a "corporate jewish" or organized crime influence on the United States federal government. It's really not apparent at the state or local level. It's very concentrated in DC. The "jewish corporate" influence isn't the sole corporate or ethnic influence on DC, but maybe it's the most obvious because of all the wars and the propaganda.

It seems almost fated that the larger population will become "anti-semitic" like a self-fulfilling prophecy, not because they hate jewish identity, genes, or whatever, but because the corporate jewish machine has alien interests, lies constantly, and is violent. I think we're actually waddling up to that moment in the United States.

It's really pretty insane to witness the propaganda and mind control breaking down because it's so predictable. If someone lied to you their whole life, then you got a glimpse behind the curtain, all of their lies would fail at once. Today, for example, it's not all that uncommon to see YouTube videos that basically praise the Nazis or Hitler, who got millions of Germans raped and murdered and who basically turned his nation into a slave state, solely because people don't believe the WWII propaganda anymore.

The problem for the average Joe or Sally who happens to have jewish ancestry is that the corporate machine hides out and mixes with the civilian population. In times of stress, or if there's an outright conflict between that corporate thing and the larger population of the US, they'll get caught up in the mess, even if they are totally opposed to it, too.

Hopefully the United States will go down a different road than all the prior 100+ iterations of this conflict in Europe. Maybe it's even likely to go down a different path, due to the different geographical and demographic condition of the Americas versus the individual countries of the Old World. I still think the "white flight" model is the way it goes down here.

Won't You Think of the _______!?

The people who want the United States to go to war in Syria, Iran, etc... always have a moralistic reason. Good hearted people fall for it, because they can't think like the lizards that really want the wars. They imagine the war is to "help the people of Syria", whatever that means in this particular circumstance.

Nah. The people who want the war want power and money and would happily kill whichever group the "news media" pretends need saving for $0.05. They're always lying.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Democrats are the Globalist Party

Politics in the US shifted pretty dramatically over the past few years. The "establishment" in the western world is really out of touch with their nations. The ideology of cosmopolitan globalists is inimical, and their policies are directly opposed to the national interest, that is the interest of the families of their country. The adoption of the globalists policies happened sometime in the 1990s, at least, but the Democratic party in the US retained the rhetoric and guise of earlier eras--like being "pro labor", and it took more than a decade for blue collar voters to realize the party hated them.

Recently, democrats are pushing for more middle east war as well. This is contrary to long standing rhetorical poses, too. This is another issue where the "globalist" oligarchy party has interests that are totally out of phase with their host nations.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

"Fortunes" and Wealth

The state of Ca-lol-fornia is maybe the premiere example of the difference between "wealth", i.e. value, and money, i.e. price. It's also a great example of a strange, related phenomenon of an ability to build infrastructure, and an inability to maintain it.

Silicon Valley is filled to overflowing with funny money digits. The money goes into all kinds of stupid projects run by ostensibly private companies to computerize and digitize everything. Untold grillions of monies are going into telecommunications infrastructure to host the "internet of things".... that nobody wants or needs.

At the same time all that is going on, California can't maintain its electric infrastructure and has to shut it off if there are high winds because apparently funds for rudimentary maintenance and man power costs aren't available?

The Internet of Things bullshit is a tippy top priority that absorbs oodles of resources and the best and brightest minds, while fundamental things like electrical power can't be maintained.

Similarly, a guy like Faceberg or almost any other bazillionaire will amass a "personal" giant wad of digits, start a "foundation", but actually give no monies away or solve the simplest rudimentary problems even in their back yard.

There really might not be enough resources to repair a massive structure like the California power grid, while there are enough resources to build a bunch of useless hardware and software so toasters can be online. The internet of things is like racing stripes on a car. The electric grid is like a foundation on a house. Similarly, the grillions of monies some guy like Bezos or Faceberg collected might not be convertible to actual stuff in any meaningful way.

There are currently about 14 US dollars base money per tree (228 billion trees) in the United States, but the "market value" of all the paper assets in the US probably exceeds the number of leaves on all the trees in the United States many times over. The total "market cap" of the S&P 500 for example is over $15 trillion. ($65 per tree)

It's hard to tell if the chronic inability to maintain public works is a side effect of the debt money/money printing system or is a real expression of the increased "cost"/value of real stuff that's more scarce over time.

I think we'll see similar phenomenon with McMansion houses in 10-20 years. People are able to buy them, but probably can't afford to maintain them.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ohio's Driver's License Company Printed Money for Zimbabwe and Weimar

You really can't make this shit up.

The "German" company that's making "Real ID" licenses for Ohio is a subsidiary of a German banknote printing company. That "business" is one of the shadier businesses there is.

The company is a subsidiary of Giesecke+Devrient. They printed money for the Weimar Republic and for Mugabe's Zimbabwe. Seems legit!

I need to research the "Real ID". I think the concept is to have an international ID for everybody, instead of a passport. Corporations want people to move around from country to country chasing fake money.

It'll be interesting to see if that world evaporates as a concept before any of it becomes tangiable day-to-day reality. I'd bet on evaporation.

A Weird Aspect of Civilization

Animals tend to use less energy per unit of body mass. An elephant, for example, uses much less energy per pound than a mouse. It's a phenomenon that was named after one of the people who characterized it: Kleiber's Law. A cat having 100x the mass of a mouse only consumes 32x the calories to maintain basal metabolism.

However, things like cities, countries, corporations, even just households don't follow that law. If anything, it seems like the bigger such an entity is, the more energy it wastes. The Globalist Religion dogma states cities are more energy efficient. A subway or bus, for example, is more energy efficient than a person driving in a car. Similar ideal-case arguments about apartment buildings versus houses are made, too. However, a city imports almost everything necessary for life all day every day. That energy cost is probably nearly impossible to score correctly. Also, the bureaucratic entities and governmental entities associated with cities and countries squander enormous resources.

If you look at satellite composite image of the United States, almost all the light green to tan areas are agricultural. It boggles the mind. Pick some area of the US west of Columbus and east of the Rockies and the deserts and zoom in and you'll see farms and pastures.

I can see there's another way to look at civilization "collapse". Really, there's continuity of populations, but the city and the system can be wiped out overnight in historical terms. The products of civilization and cultural artifacts are mostly garbage and for time wasting. Think of TV shows, movies, or broadway, or even stuff like classical music. It's mostly a pile of garbage and idle time filler for passive, idle people.

When there's an energy/or energy/time bottleneck the cities are abandoned first. Rather than being essential part of civilization, like nervous system of an animal, they're really like hair or feathers.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Banks Being Bailed Out Again?

I avoid the financial news these days, but somehow I saw the story about new rounds of quantitative easing all over the world. The Fed is pumping $60B into the "system" per month, now. When will regular people figure out the money is fake?

China and "Globalism"

I had what might be a pretty interesting revelation today... maybe rather than a revelation this topic is just starting to bubble to the surface of the collective conscious mind of people in the alt-media sphere:

China just killed "globalization"

Or at least exposed in really stunning black and white high contrast clarity that there is no such thing. The "globalists" are just a small faction of "westerners" who are really traitors to their nations and sold their home nations out for profit. I think they fundamentally misunderstood China all along. Their miscalculation might end up being fatal.

A trope of various histories of ancient times is the traitor who threw the gates open so their city was conquered was the first person the invaders put to death--as a "reward". Nobody trusts or needs a traitor. I don't think China's going to conquer the west... nope actually the "globalists" just got caught out.

Their fatal miscalculation is that China is an ethnostate... they're really not commies or internationalists or whatever. They're a throwback version of the west, which totally boggles my mind.

So here's the scenario that's playing out--the globalists are exposing themselves as feckless piece of shit money grubbers as they kowtow to the Chinese. Everyone knew that, but maybe didn't have it shoved in their faces over and over again. They're low trash. At the same time they're kowtowing to China, they're talking shit to their host nations... Good luck continuing that plan.

The Chinese will probably wake up the west at long last from it's slumber. Who could have ever guessed.

Ohio's Made In Germany Drivers' Licenses

The states in the United States are administering the "Real ID" system on behalf of globo-homo. I think it's some type of worldwide ID standard that came from ???? for the purpose of ????? Who knows? Remember voting on that? Me neither.

Ohio's drivers licenses are made by a German corporation--Veridos. The drivers' license used to be just printed on a little machine at the DMV. Now they include some type of "tech" so they're made elsewhere and shipped to you in the mail. It really makes no sense, but is probably part of some master faggot plan, or at least is some new cash cow for some randos.

There's probably a global database that the states have to pay to use instead of using their own legacy systems. I'm sure this whole thing is a multimillion dollar boondoggle.

I think in Ohio you can skip the German made license if you want. You need a license or a passport to go into an airport for some reason. It's very weird. People just agree to this nonsense without batting an eye.


The United States is starting to turn into a typical cracked out old whore of the Empire. I'm sad to say I watched a lot of the worst part of this happening in my own life time. The total fraud of all the wars since 2001 has just been darkly and snarkly remarked on. There's been no real opposition to it. No neocons are pushing up daisies as a result of some righteous patriots' wrath. Also, the shitty financial/corporate world has "muscled", no really it flounced and bitched its way into everyone's business with no pushback at all. It's sad.

California is sort of  the epicenter of rot in the United States as the state utility prepares to purposefully cut off electricity for millions of its own customers because of its shitty infrastructure and some lame excuses. Where did all the money from all the electric bills the customers had been paying for years, never mind all the tax breaks, subsidies, blah blah from various levels of government end up?

California's also been the hub for "tech" and reaped the shower of funny money from the banking system. The industry has absorbed untold trillions and produced what exactly... rehashed versions of the same thing 100x. How many lifetimes have been spent on its expansion? It's hard to say.

People are deluded when they imagine rapid economic "growth" is laudable. That kind of growth is like cancer. It really is just people wasting their time on pointless dead end, no value activities.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Reduction to Formal Language Doesn't Work in Reverse

Quite a bit of science and engineering involves creating models that simplify some aspect of reality to a mathematical expression, or to a formal language model like a computer program.

That process is like a form of lossy compression. Information is discarded as the "essentials" of a natural object are modeled.

Actual nature works the opposite way, as one zooms in on any element of a "scene", there's more and more information. The bandwidth required to "read out" and so represent it in a model seems to expand. Also, any natural object is connected with every other natural object, so the state of one thing contains some portion of the state of other things. For example, the electrons in the antenna on the smartphone move in reaction to the motion of the electrons in the cell tower antenna.

The elaboration of a formal language model of nature probably can't ever recover the "original" in any fidelity.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Golden Age of Cheap Used Sedans

I drive a 2008 Honda Element that's starting to get into the, "should I fix that?" stage of life. It's been pretty good and reliable for most of its life, but in recent years, it's required some major repairs. The parts for it are expensive compared to other vehicles. The cost per mile on it has been high compared to other Hondas I've owned. I'm getting closer to pulling the trigger on a replacement for it.

Used sedans are really cheap these days. Relatively low mileage cars that are just a few years old are sometimes 1/4 their original new price. You can buy a car that has most of its useful/trouble free life left for a small fraction of the sticker price. The average depreciation of a new car in its first year these days is something around $10,000. Another interesting facet of this market is "luxury" sedans end up in the same price bin as Civics and Accords and Camrys of similar age and mileage.

For the ultimate low cost per mile car, I think the recipe is: look up the model year for engine, transmission and other major problems. Lookup the total number of that particular model and variant sold and avoid oddball cars with unique parts. (My Element model, for example, sometimes requires parts shipped from Japan for repairs and it's pretty far from exotic.) Find a mid-mileage example from a private seller and pay cash.

I've been tempted to delve into the bargain/beater bin of old Lexus cars. In theory you'd have a car that doesn't depreciate and will be easy to repair, maintain, and resell, but it's too much of a pain to have a car break down every few months. If I didn't have to commute so far for my job I'd do it.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Tech: The Controlling Myth of Western Civilization

I watched "Jupiter Ascending" a few days ago. It's a sort of famously crappy movie. It's really not worth breaking down or discussing in any detail. I think it depicts the west's real religion in great detail. Sci-Fi movies and TV shows are the cathedrals of that religion. Star Trek is the canonical myth of that religion. Tech, the god Hermes, which is conflated with the character Cain in the crappy movie, is the hero. Tech saves the world. Tech saves the people from the ancients--really gods of yore representing natural forces.

Star Trek, the Space Program, the consumer electronics world are the overarching controlling mythology and principle of our civilization. When there is a problem of any kind now, a tech "solution" is proposed. Bees dying off (is that even real or more fear porn)? Make robot bees. Never mind the GMO and pesticide residues that might be causing the die off.

Is tech world sustainable for much longer? Probably not.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Technology Expansion Versus Advancement

Technology and bureaucracy are really very similar. Neither solves the problems it ostensibly sets out to fix, but people pile more and more time and energy into those things every day as if they do. It's actually a really strange phenomenon that doesn't get any notice.

I've worked in "tech" for many years--since the mid 1990s. I've basically been doing the same thing the whole time, connecting software to hardware, and sometimes to physical systems. Over that whole span of years, even though millions of people spent countless hours on the problems in the field, none of them has really been "solved".

If anything, computers, software and hardware systems are more complicated and consume more time and resources than ever. Most of the complexity is useless, too. The general pattern of tech is to replace one problem with two smaller problems and so on. The theory is the two, four, eight, million problems are more manageable than the one problem, but they really aren't.

Actually the theory is that by subdividing a problem ad infinutum it eventually can be translated to formal language. "They" think it's possible to do that with whole societies, because they're insane and evil. The thing that ends up happening is the formal language becomes more of a problem, and more energy intensive/resource intensive than the original thing it set out to replace or simplify.

There's a corresponding growth in the layers of management and "tools" for doing the same projects that have been done 1000x already, too. The field is getting formalized into an elementary school level of human endeavor. The management of tech projects attempts to translate them into some version of a formal language too. 

In an old post, I wrote about how bicycles actually have significantly improved over their existence, both in terms of their function and their reliability. Their design is guided by their use and whatever language description of those functions exist, it's really derivative of the experience.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Civil War Grooming

There's a redonk amount of talking about a "civil war" in the USA. Basically social media has given people an alternative reality bubble where their innermost demons and wildest fantasies can run wild. The "left" has a bunch of imaginary enemies on the fake right, and the "right" has a bunch on the fake "left". These people walk past each other in the grocery stores all over the United States every day all the time. The soccer mom online leftists and the hard core right wingers who think they're mortal enemies routinely interact IRL with no problems and aren't even in any type of competition.

It's shameful how easy it is for the oligarchy is able to turn people against each other via a troupe of actors like Trump and Pelosi and the rest. I think it's possible to stir people up online without any sort of real world effect taking place though... in fact, the gap between the real world reality and the online fantasy land is at a peak level right now. It might end up having the opposite effect overall. More people will see how toxic and fantastical the online world is, and will hopefully abandon it.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Why Porn is Free: Jamming the Signals

Hosting video content on the scale of YouTube is very expensive, apparently. In spite of collecting a constantly growing stream of ad revenue, YouTube allegedly loses billion(s) of dollars annually. At the minimum it requires a data center, a staff of people who earn 6 figure salaries, and a fairly large chunk of bandwidth and data surcharges. Google and YouTube are in a better position than most internet companies on that score, too, since they have lots of Internet infrastructure.

There is oodles of free porn, though. There's more free porn than the most hard core porn addict could ever watch. The ad revenue on a porn site would be minimal. It's not clear how the partner sites would ever make any money if they're giving away free porn on a different site. All that free porn, and all the production costs of all that free porn is probably heavily subsidized from something or someone(s). It's basically a form of propaganda.

There are prosaic reasons for it. It warps younger people's ideas about sexuality. It possibly reduces male fertility (I don't really know about that one). More importantly, it forms a base/primal attraction to devices. People associate the pleasure of sexual release with their phone and computer which is pretty gross. It aids in training people to hook up their endocrine and nervous system to their phone.

All that electronic, base level stimulation blocks other more subtle signals. It blocks access to both the lower and higher modes of consciousness. It blocks access to the lower more animalistic level of consciousness by providing an electronic simulacra of the "real thing".

The West Has a Temporarily Dead Culture

In the post about the goat scene from "I Pet Goat II", there's a blurb about the letter "Fe" from the Futhark rune alphabet.

Wealth is a source of discord amongst kin;
the wolf lives in the forest.

That's bad ass. When you'd learn your alphabet, you'd get a pile of poetic wisdom that had been handed down for generations. Today, most people have zero wisdom. People with PhD's in some field can be complete retards in everything else.

The west's culture is dead as a fucking doornail because everyone's inner world has been replaced by the Beast. Culture comes about from sitting around and talking and observing and understanding age old patterns. Wisdom, unfortunately, comes from hard lessons. When life is easy, wisdom is hard to come by.

The culture we have is mostly synthetic or some rehashed version of  a mystery school teaching. It's alien to us.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

How Archetypal Portrayals Steer the Population

The media promotes a new set of "stars" for each generation. This is a pretty recent phenomenon. Prior to the 60's the mass media/pop culture was a shadow of what it is today.

The "stars" are a complete fabrication of course. They're actors portraying a role that's scripted and presented as real and organic. A character like the Billie Eilish character is some child actor playing a role. They come out of nowhere, then are promoted like crazy to their target audience.

They fill or make a new archetype. The character is presented on stage and are shown to be adored, called beautiful and talented, and are portrayed as important.  For kids with no life experience, it's a powerful tool of manipulation. They'll internalize that archetype to partake in the popularity and fame as a voyeur. It's sort of how porn works. The learning via mirroring part of the brain is very active in kids.

It'll shape those kids for their whole life on a really deep unconscious level. The things they value in their life will be dictated by some producers and their handlers.

My $0.02 on "I Pet Goat II" Goat Scene

I remember when the CGI video "I Pet Goat II" started to make the rounds on the Internet. It was a minor sensation because it's so weird and featured 9/11 imagery and 0bama and Bush. At that time I was just starting down the road I'm on today. I recently watched it again after I saw an analysis by the Celestial Voyages YouTube channel. Back in 2012 I had only the dimmest idea of what any of the symbolism means. I know a little more today, so I'll make a first pass at some of the imagery. I think I'll do a scene or two at a time instead of a book length post on the whole thing. A million other people have done this same task. I think I've got a handful of observations to add per scene, so I'll do it also.

The video was made by a company called Heliofant. That name is possibly a play on the word hierophant and maybe, in keeping with the overall theme of the video, it signifies leading people toward spiritual truth, like the light of the sun. There are some notes about the video at the company's web site.

The video really demonstrates how powerful art and symbolism are because they bypass the language part of the brain and interact with some deeper, bigger base of knowledge. This video freaks a lot of people out for that reason. Trying to decode it into language is a fraught problem because it's bigger than the words you'd use to ensnare it.

The video basically has a sequence of fixed scenes that are like a CGI version of a painting that are surrounded by action and motion. For example, the opening scene pans slowly to a goat that's in a box in a prison and it's winter. It's an ice world. Possibly that signifies the end of an age. (an astrological age)

I think the prison represents the United States. The goat's forehead has the mark of the beast/666. The hole the goat sticks his head out of is marked with what looks like a "6"--the number of man. In The Prisoner, the hero is "6". 

In the upper left of the box, the mark is probably the rune "Fe" of the futhark rune alphabet. It's on the other box that's less visible in the scene. "Fe" means "mobile wealth" or sheep or cattle. There's a poem associated with the Rune:

Wealth is a source of discord amongst kin;the wolf lives in the forest.

The goat's also reference to the book "My Pet Goat", which George W Bush read to the class while the 9/11 attack on the twin towers unfolded. It's also probably a reference to the sheep and goats of the bible. In the upper left of the picture the twin towers are smoking just prior to their collapse. The box also has a chalk drawing of a guard and a dog. The goat ends up being hypnotized as the scene changes. The hypnotism is the real prison.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

People Already Borged

Smartphones are pretty malignant little pieces of technology. Many thousands of people are borged into their corporate job 24/7. It's a physical attachment--their endocrine system and nervous system are wired into signals from their phone. They respond to automated cues from some garbage pile business database systems all day long. It's gross.

Plausible Explanation for The Weirdness of Astrology

There are so many movies and TV shows and works of literature that are about astrology topics, for example the Game of Thrones and Star Wars. There's a huge body of literature on the subject, but a lot of it is corrupted or plagiarized and distorted via copies. You really can't find the "authoritative" sources, because they possibly don't exist. The basic terminology they use isn't even consistent from source to source. Why does anyone even care about it, let alone, invest millions, probably billions of dollars in dramas about it?

A previous post discussed a plausible (likely?) origin for the number 666 as the sum of all the elements in the series 1...36, for all the Babylonian "Gods". The Babylonians divided each sign of the zodiac into 3, for 36, which basicaally subdivides the sky into 10 degree chunks--the terminology is "decans" (I think that's a latin word).

The Egyptians had a heliacal rising star associated with each decan. For an agricultural society, the decan would have some prosaic real world significance. The sky would be a clock and calendar that was apparently associated with, and maybe viewed as the source, of the prosperity of a nation and its people, or the failing of crops and associated plagues and famine. On top of that, over thousands of years, the clock would fall out of sync with the seasons due to procession of the equinox.

I think their understanding of the world as impermanent and cyclical arose from the use of the sky as a clock. Our linear history model probably comes from the mechanical clocks we use.