Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Civil War or 1776

I've been a skeptic of claims that the United States is heading for Civil War II. The laws and policies of the United States that led to the split between the confederacy and the Union as distinct geographic regions don't have an analog today. The major splits today are between rich and poor and urban and rural, and these splits are really likely to be transient. There's a million little subcultures and factions in the US. The cities and regions that soak up all the Federal Reserve funny money today might go bust tomorrow.

A more worrying and persistent, long term trend is the accumulation of quasi-governmental "power" by corporations and cartels in the US who now seek to enact government like authority over individuals. Tech companies and financial companies, who should act as common-carriers and not be permitted to intervene in legal trade or stifle speech begin to enact the whims of their executives and shareholders. In some cases, the reasons are ideological, in some they're acting on behalf of cartel associates. The cartel businesses seem unrelated, like pharma companies and credit card companies, but really they're just one big entity.

I think there's a real potential for rapid escalation to violence, unfortunately. It's not hard to think of scenarios that spin out of control almost immediately and where large portions of the population would jump in.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Atlantis Religion

I'm starting to think that there's an Atlantis Cult--an antediluvian society--that's smaller but much more influential than other mainstream organized religions. I think a key element of that cult is a claim to primacy and a "true" history of mankind.

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Uphill Battle of Alt Media

A few friends of mine, who I consider to be intelligent and well informed people campaigned for and supported Hillary Clinton, even though they disliked George Bush intensely. When I point out to them that's she's basically George Bush, especially when it comes to warmongering, they can't really even process the concept. They also can't process the concept that you can dislike and not vote for both major party candidates. They're also really afraid of being called names like "racist" or a nationalist or whatever.

Most people, really like 80% or more, can only form an opinion from a sort of group consensus mechanism rather than independent judgement. I've observed our ducks think in much the same way. They have a sort of distributed brain and decide what to do as a group rather than as individuals. There's a lot of value in group learning and opinion forming. It combines the brain power of the group, and also speeds learning. The downside is this mechanism is very easily hijacked by malignant manipulators.

The "establishment" is really entrenched in the opinions of this mass of people. The low level violent pushback against alt media personalities like Sargon is a manifestation of this. Some journalists can label him as a "hatemonger" or a racist or some other similar term, and the vast flock nods and agrees.

YouTube is home to the counterculture, and the counterculture actually is very important. The establishment is backward looking, and generally unable to create anything. The counterculture is the well spring of new ideas. That said, those ideas and people face a severe uphill battle.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

It's Insane to Chase Debt Money

I've been working in "tech" since the late 1990s. I've mostly avoided the Office Space type jobs and have worked on some really interesting projects. That said, tech can really be an annoying grind and the work is often ephemeral like some shitty version of making a sand Mandala.

Since the 90's, a huge amount of money tokens were invested in tech and many of those tokens were just from an increase in the money supply. The tech "industry" is really a sponge and excuse for the banking system to spew cash into to drive makework projects.

My salary has outpaced inflation, but it's taken a ridiculously large chunk of the total increase over that time. Over that period, the dollar's depreciated roughly 45-50%. Consequently, many of the years I spent busting ass to compete for that Federal Reserve funny money were wasted by currency dilution.

When currency dilution is the primary means of fueling economic activity, it isn't sensible to chase after prosperity via a corporate job especially if you're constantly gaining skills and productivity.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Astroturf Ethnonationalism Discredits Critiques of Neoliberal/con Policies

A couple of years before Trump was elected, some YouTube channels started pushing "white ethnonationalism". It seemed fake and forced. It's still being sold, even though the audience for it is pretty small.

At the same time, there's a spastic push from the "left" to censor or otherwise attack people who entertain "white" ethnic identity, even though the "left" also pushes every other variety of ethnic tribalism as laudable.

I think it's all coordinated propaganda that ties up people's attention and keeps them focused on nonsense instead of acting in concert to protect their own interests.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Ryan Dawson's Take on the Dancing Israelis

Here's a good interview with Ryan Dawson. He's an independent journalist/researcher who was able to piece together a fairly detailed analysis of who the "Dancing Israelis" were and how they were involved in 9/11. His take is that the attacks were carried out by a combination of the Mossad and the Saudis with the tacit involvement of the Bush administration.

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Empire Needs Degenerates

Self discipline and thoughtfulness are the biggest enemies of the Empire. Palpatine in Star Wars, for example, tries to lead Luke of the path of discipline and self control. In the Return of the Jedi, Luke says "no" and his demonstration of self control is what actually destroys the Emperor, and ends the Empire.

A couple of days ago I wrote about how The Matrix is misunderstood. Cultivation of consciousness and self mastery does bend reality, not in the magical and dramatized ways depicted in the movie, but in the sense that a slowly accumulating set of beneficial outcomes will improve the world.

That's why the Empire needs degenerates and attacks every institution that can help people form a consensus understanding of reality and replaces it with propaganda and divide and conquer schemes like ethnonationalism, feminism, the opposite of feminism, etc... In prior eras when people in the United States organized against corporate interests, they sometimes won pretty handily.

What's degeneracy? In this sense, it's really just living a life of distraction and not thinking about anything. Any person, regardless of race, creed, sexual preferences, age and experience can be disciplined and thoughtful. Likewise, any person can be sucked into a world of distraction and dissipation. I don't think that's a moral or congenital failing. It's just something that can happen when a man gets swept away by desires and loses mindfulness; It's part of being a human being.

The mass consumer and corporate culture in the United States really thrives on people who are perpetually in that state. While it does attack institutions that might organize people and lead them to a higher consciousness, it relies more on jamming the signal of alternatives with noise and gaudy displays. 

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Ethnonationalism is Stupid

The democratic party is weirdly racist against "white people". It's not much of a surprise that they share this ideology with creepy euro-trash globalists, so I'll lump them all into the same group. The globalists want to introduce migrant populations into western countries, because those countries are republics and democracies of various types, and the globalists believe the migrants will be clients of theirs that vote for their candidates until the end of time. The globalists probably have more contempt for those migrant populations than they have for the citizens of Europe and the US.

I think the white ethno-nationalists tend to adopt the same view as the globalists and allow the globalists to define their relationship with the rest of the world, and feel the need to push back against their neighbors who are a different skin tone rather than the globalists who really want to enslave everyone and who hate everyone.

Friday, May 10, 2019

SJW's and the Temperance Movement

The ongoing freakout of "the left" in the wake of a populist revival in the United States and western Europe is reminiscent of the temperance movement in the United States in many ways.

When Trump was elected, the people who voted for Hillary Clinton, a corporate whore, influence peddler and warmonger, were easily persuaded they were morally superior to the people who voted for Trump. The MSM and NGOs fed that fantasy on a daily basis on social media, and their cult went into a parallel universe. In their mind, the people who weren't in the cult were evil. It's hard to believe this freakout has lasted as long as it has, and who knows what turn it will take if Trump is re-elected, which seems very likely at this point.

Prohibition was a very long freakout (1920-1933) by comparison, and was preceded by a decades long agitation against alcohol consumption. The SJW's are the heirs of the temperance movement. The formula of using the government to interfere in the minutia of people's lives to force them to be "good" in the mundane terms of busybody moralizers is the identical.

The terms of the moralizers change from season to season and decade to decade. There's no underlying principle that drives them, so while today's moralizer clucks her tongue at transphobes, if you transported that person to 1870 she might be clucking at homosexuals and sodomy and railing against drink.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

"The Matrix" and "They Live" Are Generally Misunderstood

I think the red-pill alt-media misunderstands two of its gospels: The Matrix (1999) and They Live (1988).

Both movies are about consciousness and how it affects the world of man. (aka the world of lies) Both movies posit a demiurge-like figure who is responsible for enslaving humanity. (cf Conan the Barbarian) In They Live, the demiurge is a hidden-hand race of satanic aliens rather than a single figure. In The Matrix, of course it's the Beardy Man.

The Matrix metaphor of the world of lies is the simulation. Within the simulation, Neo achieves superhuman abilities and is able to defeat it and escape, first to a Plato's cave like dreary solypsistic internal world, and finally into the light of day. Mastery of his own consciousness allows him to defeat the Matrix.

The usual interpretation of the Matrix focuses on the defeat of the architect and the destruction of the simulation, which is the same as the defeat of Thulsa Doom in Conan.

Thulsa Doom or the Architect (or number two in The Prisoner) externalize and physicalize an internal, individual struggle of the mind. A person balancing on a log, or meditating, and achieving the skill of deliberately associating modes of consciousness with their effect on the outside world, family, friends and even nature is getting out of the matrix, or an Amish community thinking about what technology to use and how it will affect their life is outside the matrix.

The physicality of The Matrix or Conan is necessary for a good action movie, but its dramatization obscures the teaching.

Why Does YouTube Prop Up Legacy Media?

It seems like the audience of YouTube is a bigger champion of YouTube than the executives and managers of Google. YouTube and streaming services won. The corporate/legacy media lost big time. There's a technological reason--packet switched networks and interactivity--and a credibility reason--they torched their credibility during the wars, the bank bailouts, and the 2016 election.

Weirdly, YouTube keeps propping up its ostensible competition in a zero sum game competition with alt-media. Mainstream news channels have lows view counts and no interaction. The audience for the MSM is not online--it's the rapidly declining population who still have cable subscriptions. I can understand the business reason to stream and maybe even promote the MSM for pay, but it seems YouTube goes beyond that and is deliberately making it difficult to watch alt-media news commentary. This ties in with the smear campaigns of commie NGOs and the censorship of content online.

It's odd for a business to take the side of a secular loser when it created the winning side. The MSM is still pretty influential, even as its audience shrinks daily.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Corruption and Centralization

The United States economy was really strongly state oriented and decentralized for years leading up to World War II and through the 1970's. Interstate banking, bank mergers, and centralization of the financial system is really a pretty recent phenomenon that started in the early 1980s and got well underway in Bubba Bill's administration. It didn't take very long for changes to financial regulation to centralize financial institutions and for that centralization to be reflected in corporate America and the day-to-day landscape of the US.

Centralization is a road directly to corruption of every institution in a republic like the United States or even ancient Rome. Centralization of bureaucracy and institutions makes it easy to corrupt and control them using cloak and dagger means. Contrast the the 1970s FBI busting a bunch of congressmen in "AbScam" to the 2000's Bush administration basically carrying out Saudi foreign policy, and the Clinton foundation accepting millions of dollars of "charitable donations" from Gulf states.

A "weak oligarchy" can attach onto and manipulate a strong healthy nation like the United States with unfortunate ease. I don't really know if the state level regulation of the post depression US was aimed at decentralization and establishing more local checks and balances of financial institutions to act as a sort of counter-intelligence defense. If it wasn't intended, it was one of the outcomes.

Communist Party Directive 1943

Back in 1989 when I was a senior in high school, I never would have imagined that commies would have infested so many institutions in the United States, but here we are today.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

When Did Democrats Start Hating The Working Class/Middle Class?

Labor support of the Democrats, and the pro-labor rhetoric of the Democrats persisted for decades, even after the Clinton administration's globalist/corporatist/neoliberal policies dropped a neutron bomb on middle class and working class America. In recent years, the Democrats became hostile toward middle class and working class people, usually couching their hostility in social justice language and racial animosity. The party seems to reflect the attitude of east coast oligarchs and their immediate circle of hangers on and minions in the media.

When did that really happen? My guess is it was around the time of the financial crisis and the Iraq war. The agenda of a handful of coastal american oligarchs and some foreign interests, namely the Saudis, was almost in direct opposition to the well being of the country and promoted an agenda that needed national resources to promote their peculiar, colloquial interest.

I don't think these narrow groups are really racist in the sense that they hate white people. I think they just hate the republican mode of government and need to weaken and attack any large voting block that can oppose their plans.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Battlestar Galactica and the Alt History of Humanity

Constellations as a Map to Kobol in BSG, same idea as
Arctic Home of the Aryans
Back in the late 19th and early 20th century, academics and other researchers were starting to piece together a very fuzzy, incomplete picture of early civilization through linguistic analysis and archaeology. The concept of "Indo Europeans" or Aryan civilization, grew out of that research and ideas like the Kurgan Hypothesis sought to explain how people that became "the west" dispersed from an original homeland. I remember discussing these topics in my high school history classes. The topic of the Migration Period, for example, begged the question of where all those Germanic tribes came from in the first place.

The mythology that developed from that investigation is widespread and imbues popular media and culture. Battlestar Galactica, for example, basically tells that story, as do the countless variations on the theme of The Man Who Would Be King. It seems pretty likely that this mythology is sort of the biblical history of groups like the Masons, and probably predates the 19th century by many centuries.

A main themes of this history--that cataclysms periodically reset humans back to the stone age and makes us forget our origins--is depicted in the destruction of the 12 colonies by the Cylons, and later in the series, the crew discovers that humanity destroyed itself over and over again, and that there's no way to know who was originally cylon, and who was originally human.

The cyclical interpretation of history is contrary to the idea of linear history and progress that are the mainstream mode of thinking today. The "out of africa" story, for example, neatly meshes with progress and the ideological opinions of globalists.

As in all earlier ages, the establishment fervently attempts to control the mode of consciousness of the people who they depend on for sustenance and for their lavish life. In Catholic middle ages france, for example, the cathar heresy was violently crushed.

It's unlikely we'll ever really know our "true" history or origins. Typically the only motive to record or relate history is to fabricate consciousness, so it's just a nest of lies, and the scanty evidence that's preserved, even in DNA, is subject to wildly different interpretations.

The Faux Legalism of Silicon Valley Censors

In the latest round of social media censorship, the thing that stood out to me was how Faceberg couched its libel and slander in faux legalistic, formal sounding language. They try to frame it as a "scientific" process that determines someone is "hateful", instead of the parochial, uninformed opinion of a tiny, arbitrary group of people.

It's a huge insult, not only to the people who were censored, but to the audience of people who enjoyed their videos. The absurdity of some assholes in a corporate meeting room deciding what anyone else can watch should make everyone's blood boil.

Centralization: The Ultimate Unsustainable Project

Lately I've been thinking Clownworlds arise from centralization and cults that arise within the cliques of people that are near the centrally concentrated resources. Those cults have a very difficult time distinguishing between their fanciful, amusement park version of reality, which for them gradually becomes entirely artificial and symbolic, and the understanding of reality that's shared by all the people who supply them with overflowing abundant resources.

In western economies centralization seems to be compatible with economic growth because it's a skimming operation. As the economy becomes more productive, the parasite classes extract more wealth. However, centralization of ownership also requires an ever growing set of rules and regulations designed to stifle competition and maintain the flow of resources and to maintain the value of old businesses.

The current wave of censorship of alt media figures by unprincipled corporate losers and NGO allies is a great, albeit special case. The cost of producing audio and video entertainment and news has dropped to near $0, however, corporations have billions of dollars invested in businesses that produce news, entertainment and propaganda, and now all that investment is dead money. They're able to collude with Zuckerface and other companies to protect their investment to a degree.

The Internet and tech in general is at heart a distributed, decentralizing technology, while the financial system and the legal structures needed to keep it going are inherently centralizing. The two things can't go together. Even companies like Amazon or Uber, which are giant financial entities based on Internet technology and techniques will probably succumb to decentralization over time.

It'll be a long, unfortunately probably violent struggle to move from where we are today to the next iteration of civilization.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Alt History of the Aryans in the Arctic

An Indian mathematician named Bal Gangadhar Tilak published a book in 1903 The Arctic Home in the Vedas which explores the theory that the Aryans who eventually invaded India originally lived in the Arctic in ancient times. There are many sci-fi and fictional stories that depict that concept, which are maybe derivative works.

A homeworld destroyed by a cataclysm (see the Hiawatha Glacier impact crater) is a common theme (like Battlestar Galactica) in sci-fi. Do these stories represent some fragmentary ancestral memory, or is it just a random collection of archetypal tales that get mixed and remixed so the echo of an original fictional story lends authenticity to the original? There's probably no way to know.

If there were an ancient, northern advanced pre-glacial civilization, it's possible there is no archaeological evidence for it at all. The place I live, for example, was covered by ice and completely buried in hundreds of feet of glacial till several times. If that happens again, there would be no evidence of the existence of any of the cities or towns in this area.

Who Will Pop the Clownworld Bubble?

At some point over the past 5-10 years the "left" began to set the agenda of many notable institutions in the western world. I don't think many people even noticed it happening until after the election of Trump. The agenda of these institutions is out of step of the ideas of most people, and with nature and in many cases is manifestly absurd. It seems unlikely to continue.

How will the bubble of clown world be popped? The olympics is the most clownish of clown world institutions. If women's sports are all dominated by men in drag, will people bow down to an absurd opinion that a handful of commies insist is true? Will elite athlete women stop participating in absurd contests? A woman who trained and worked hard all her life to compete and win against other women will be blown out by some rando guy who wouldn't be able to compete with his male peers. Only the most SJW gaslit dumb asses will clap and nod along to that.

It's no coincidence that the MSM is in sharp decline. All the clown world institutions are likely to follow.

NGO's Leading Corporations into Oblivion

The alt media grew out of the US empire wars and the financial crisis. It was really the home to critics of the mainstream, who were at first a "fringe" minority, but now might represent a slowly evolving and developing consensus among a large block of people in the United States and the western world.

During the same period, a funhouse bubble of unreality seems to have developed among the "establishment", aka "clown world".

The funhouse reality of the maintream media and NGOs represents a narrow, parochial range of opinions that really don't make any sense or hold up to any scrutiny. In recent months, it seems like NGOs have been able to strong arm or influence corporations to start attacking their ideological opponents.

It's unclear why corporations like Google or Mastercard or PayPal are eager to please the NGOs. Their opinions are generally anti-business, and they alienate customers by the millions. The claim corporations make over and over again to avoid liability is they are purely financial entities. Maybe participation in activism  could undermine that claim.

Anyway, it seems pretty likely the companies that openly and stridently participate in politics, especially in the identity politics and promotion of socialism will end up shrinking and maybe even implode as they lose customers and workers. I think it's more likely this corporate political activism will be a short lived phase, rather than transform into the social credit system of red China.