Saturday, May 4, 2019

Centralization: The Ultimate Unsustainable Project

Lately I've been thinking Clownworlds arise from centralization and cults that arise within the cliques of people that are near the centrally concentrated resources. Those cults have a very difficult time distinguishing between their fanciful, amusement park version of reality, which for them gradually becomes entirely artificial and symbolic, and the understanding of reality that's shared by all the people who supply them with overflowing abundant resources.

In western economies centralization seems to be compatible with economic growth because it's a skimming operation. As the economy becomes more productive, the parasite classes extract more wealth. However, centralization of ownership also requires an ever growing set of rules and regulations designed to stifle competition and maintain the flow of resources and to maintain the value of old businesses.

The current wave of censorship of alt media figures by unprincipled corporate losers and NGO allies is a great, albeit special case. The cost of producing audio and video entertainment and news has dropped to near $0, however, corporations have billions of dollars invested in businesses that produce news, entertainment and propaganda, and now all that investment is dead money. They're able to collude with Zuckerface and other companies to protect their investment to a degree.

The Internet and tech in general is at heart a distributed, decentralizing technology, while the financial system and the legal structures needed to keep it going are inherently centralizing. The two things can't go together. Even companies like Amazon or Uber, which are giant financial entities based on Internet technology and techniques will probably succumb to decentralization over time.

It'll be a long, unfortunately probably violent struggle to move from where we are today to the next iteration of civilization.

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