Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Alt History of the Aryans in the Arctic

An Indian mathematician named Bal Gangadhar Tilak published a book in 1903 The Arctic Home in the Vedas which explores the theory that the Aryans who eventually invaded India originally lived in the Arctic in ancient times. There are many sci-fi and fictional stories that depict that concept, which are maybe derivative works.

A homeworld destroyed by a cataclysm (see the Hiawatha Glacier impact crater) is a common theme (like Battlestar Galactica) in sci-fi. Do these stories represent some fragmentary ancestral memory, or is it just a random collection of archetypal tales that get mixed and remixed so the echo of an original fictional story lends authenticity to the original? There's probably no way to know.

If there were an ancient, northern advanced pre-glacial civilization, it's possible there is no archaeological evidence for it at all. The place I live, for example, was covered by ice and completely buried in hundreds of feet of glacial till several times. If that happens again, there would be no evidence of the existence of any of the cities or towns in this area.

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