Saturday, May 11, 2019

Ethnonationalism is Stupid

The democratic party is weirdly racist against "white people". It's not much of a surprise that they share this ideology with creepy euro-trash globalists, so I'll lump them all into the same group. The globalists want to introduce migrant populations into western countries, because those countries are republics and democracies of various types, and the globalists believe the migrants will be clients of theirs that vote for their candidates until the end of time. The globalists probably have more contempt for those migrant populations than they have for the citizens of Europe and the US.

I think the white ethno-nationalists tend to adopt the same view as the globalists and allow the globalists to define their relationship with the rest of the world, and feel the need to push back against their neighbors who are a different skin tone rather than the globalists who really want to enslave everyone and who hate everyone.

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