Saturday, May 18, 2019

It's Insane to Chase Debt Money

I've been working in "tech" since the late 1990s. I've mostly avoided the Office Space type jobs and have worked on some really interesting projects. That said, tech can really be an annoying grind and the work is often ephemeral like some shitty version of making a sand Mandala.

Since the 90's, a huge amount of money tokens were invested in tech and many of those tokens were just from an increase in the money supply. The tech "industry" is really a sponge and excuse for the banking system to spew cash into to drive makework projects.

My salary has outpaced inflation, but it's taken a ridiculously large chunk of the total increase over that time. Over that period, the dollar's depreciated roughly 45-50%. Consequently, many of the years I spent busting ass to compete for that Federal Reserve funny money were wasted by currency dilution.

When currency dilution is the primary means of fueling economic activity, it isn't sensible to chase after prosperity via a corporate job especially if you're constantly gaining skills and productivity.

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