Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Why Does YouTube Prop Up Legacy Media?

It seems like the audience of YouTube is a bigger champion of YouTube than the executives and managers of Google. YouTube and streaming services won. The corporate/legacy media lost big time. There's a technological reason--packet switched networks and interactivity--and a credibility reason--they torched their credibility during the wars, the bank bailouts, and the 2016 election.

Weirdly, YouTube keeps propping up its ostensible competition in a zero sum game competition with alt-media. Mainstream news channels have lows view counts and no interaction. The audience for the MSM is not online--it's the rapidly declining population who still have cable subscriptions. I can understand the business reason to stream and maybe even promote the MSM for pay, but it seems YouTube goes beyond that and is deliberately making it difficult to watch alt-media news commentary. This ties in with the smear campaigns of commie NGOs and the censorship of content online.

It's odd for a business to take the side of a secular loser when it created the winning side. The MSM is still pretty influential, even as its audience shrinks daily.

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