Thursday, May 2, 2019

NGO's Leading Corporations into Oblivion

The alt media grew out of the US empire wars and the financial crisis. It was really the home to critics of the mainstream, who were at first a "fringe" minority, but now might represent a slowly evolving and developing consensus among a large block of people in the United States and the western world.

During the same period, a funhouse bubble of unreality seems to have developed among the "establishment", aka "clown world".

The funhouse reality of the maintream media and NGOs represents a narrow, parochial range of opinions that really don't make any sense or hold up to any scrutiny. In recent months, it seems like NGOs have been able to strong arm or influence corporations to start attacking their ideological opponents.

It's unclear why corporations like Google or Mastercard or PayPal are eager to please the NGOs. Their opinions are generally anti-business, and they alienate customers by the millions. The claim corporations make over and over again to avoid liability is they are purely financial entities. Maybe participation in activism  could undermine that claim.

Anyway, it seems pretty likely the companies that openly and stridently participate in politics, especially in the identity politics and promotion of socialism will end up shrinking and maybe even implode as they lose customers and workers. I think it's more likely this corporate political activism will be a short lived phase, rather than transform into the social credit system of red China.

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